One punch Genos x chubby cyborg reader

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A/n: hey my gorgeous people this is part 1 of the story this more based on the reader so  Geno's  will be in the next part but I hope you like this it was requested by  puggledoggo2016 hope this is what you imagined and I'll see you all on the next page bye👋☺️

Narrator POV:

It's was a normal day like any other in city A, the birds are chirping and the city bustling. But we're not here to talk about I'm here to tell you about a chubby 17yr old girl named (y/n).

(Y/n) here is just like any ordinary teenage girl, she gets good grades, has amazing friends and two loving parents that she thought the world of.
Today (y/n) is going to meet up with her friend at a local cafe, the (h/c)-nette gave her parents a hug saying she'll be back in a couple of hours then she walked out the door thinking that nothing could ever go wrong.

But what our (y/n) doesn't know is that the day is gonna end in

~1hr timeskip~

(Y/n)'s POV:

(F/n) and I were sitting in the booth by the window laughing our asses off, making me nearly spill my (f/d) all over the place some people on surrounding tables looking at us like we've gone insane.


While we were in the middle of our conversation
There was a loud explosion and the ground began to shake, everyone in the cafe went under tables in fear, some people were questioning what happened when someone screamed pointing at the t.v what I saw shook me to my core, a large purple monster wrecking havoc he's calling himself vaccine man if I wasn't scared I could've joked saying "that's a shit name for a monster" but I realised something that made my blood run cold....

The monster

my neighbourhood!!


With a burst of adrenaline I ran out onto the streets everyone else was running away from the danger, I had no time to gawk, I sprinted as fast as my chubby leg's could take me to my house I have to make sure they're alright.

~18min later~

After running for 18 minutes straight my lungs were burning and my legs numb but I gotta keep going it's Just around the corner.

' mum, dad please be okay.'

I rounded the corner and what I saw in the place where my house should be.... was a pile of burning rubble.

"*Gasp* no...nononono NO! MUM! DAD! this can't be happening I'm in a bad dream this is not real!"

"Maybe they evacuated I'll just call them"

With little bit of hope I pulled out my phone and called dad's number.

*Ring ring*

*Ring ring*

*Distant ringtone*

I turned to the pile that was once a house i slowly walked over...i saw my dad's phone next to a large cement block and I saw a big puddle of crimson blood and two lifeless bodies one man, one woman sticking out from under.

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