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I gave her tonight to wash over me like moonlight, the way moonlight washed over her hair, the way her eyes caught purple and yellow glittering street lights from this balcony view.


"In Paris, we kept drinking just to feel sober with our thoughts; in Ljubljana, we drank for leisure. We kept marking our days with destinations and never really saw them, you know? Like, we'd just get there and leave. I've seen more in Ljubljana in a week than in Paris in two. And Paris is beautiful but Ljubljana feels like home. Like, this is less stressful than Britain. That's how a home should feel inside."


Jillian and Clair spend spring break in the heart of Slovenia, the beautiful Ljubljana. They can't speak Slovene to save their lives, but that was all the more reason for Jillian to only talk to her, and for Clair to only talk to him. Whether it be about messing up their Slovene, getting tired of Britain, or missing Paris' lips.


All Rights Reserved 2018. Please correct me about any travel or cultural errors! I haven't been on a plane nor a foreign country, and I used a lot of Google but can't be so sure. Not sponsored by Google either. Enjoy!

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