Chapter Twenty-Eight

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That very evening, Elijah having resolved to save Ayo's life, armed himself and rode hard into the night to locate the couple. Given the information Charlotte shared with him, he made certain the to leave unnoticed and unfollowed after the sun had set. Only his sister was aware of the true meaning behind his departure. It was best that the knowledge only is shared amongst a limited number of persons as Ayo's life hung in the balance.

It was nearly dawn when Elijah found the run-down little hovel where they hid. It was remote, surrounded by miles of woods, and unappealing enough not to warrant suspicion. No one would dare to believe that the son of a Marquis would ever stoop to such squalor. Granted it wasn't the worst home he'd ever seen. It would be a home sufficient for a slave or those of a lower class. It was simple enough made from rough logwood that kept its original russet color. The roof was thatched and it had a chimney that produced no smoke. Given the coolness of the season, at least Thomas was smart enough not to light a fire and draw unnecessary attention.

He tied his horse around the rear of the house outside the line of sight. He came knocked on the back door, his eyes continuously scanned the terrain for imminent threats.

Thomas pulled the door open. His eyes were sunken from lack of sleep, his form appeared more taunt and lean. He seemed in a perpetual state of nervous anxiety, ready to break under the least amount of stress.

"Eli, by God, it's good to see you," Thomas said sticking out his hand to shake Elijah's. Thomas had never been one to hold grudges. That is perhaps why their friendship lasted as long as it did. Elijah always seemed the one to be brooding, moody, with a quick temper and a long memory.

He took Thomas' hand and shook it briefly. "I heard you found yourself in a fix. I came to see how I could help.

Elijah entered the small home Ayo and Thomas shared. The wooden floor was bare of any coverings, a small stove stood at the right with softly glowing coals warming a meal. On the left was an old settee with a table and dimly lit a kerosene lamp. Ayo emerged from the darkness of the hallway clad in a dirty flowered gown. Her face was soiled and sooty, her hair matted and tangled. Elijah's dejection was instant. Had she not left him to live in luxury? If she was aiming only to appear the lowly slave she was doing a fine job of it.

"What in God's name is this, Thomas. Why is she so sullied? Is this how you mean to treat the woman you proclaim to love?" Elijah shouted.

Thomas was stunned by his sudden outburst. "Calm yourself, Elijah, I did not ask her to take on all the chores but she insisted. She dismissed all the servants as well. We would not have survived if it was not for Ayo's resourcefulness." Thomas circled the room and took Ayo's dirty hand in his own and kissed the back of her palm.

Ayo stood mute, staring blankly at Elijah. She cleared her throat and said, "Why is he here?"

Elijah chuckled. "I'm here to save your ungrateful arse." Ayo pulled his discarded jacket off the couch and shoved it at him. "You are not needed. Leave." Elijah rolled his silver eyes and sighed clenching his jacket. "Ayo, my dear, let us not be hasty in rejecting help from friends," Thomas added as he gently placed his hand in her shoulder. She trembled under his touch, whether from anger or anxiety, he knew not.

"I am not going anywhere until I see you both safely away from here. Are you aware that you are being hunted? There is a bounty out for Ayo's head that would make anyone of poor moral standing comfortably rich. Thomas has no skills outside of books and you can't go far without arousing suspicion. What is it that you plan to do then?" Elijah put the question to Ayo who stood arms folded fuming as her glare bore a hole in Elijah's head.

"We shall heed your suggestions with care Eli," Thomas interjected. Ayo promptly huffed, spun on her heel, and left the room. The sound of a door slamming shut startled both men. Thomas smiled warily, "I'd say she took that well."

Thomas and Elijah stayed up for hours discussing a plan of escape to the north, when they were finally satisfied Thomas decided to turn in. "Well, Ole Chap, it's not much but you're welcome to bunk with me."

Elijah grunted, "You can't seriously expect me to share a bed with you and your woman?"

Thomas laughed heartily, "Ayo and I have never shared a bed, Eli, I fear I would not survive the attempt." Elijah's chest fluttered and he clung to hope that Ayo had not given him up if she refused to share a bed with Thomas it meant he still had time.

"Go to bed Tom, I'll be comfortable enough right here." Thomas clamped a heavy hand in Elijah's shoulder, "Though, not under the best circumstances, it's good to have you safely in the fold." Elijah smiled meekly at his long-time friend if he only knew how his thoughts about Ayo had betrayed their friendship many times over. "Night then Tom"

Thomas started up the hall, "So we depart in the morning then. Get some rest Eli"

 Get some rest Eli"

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