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The school gymnasium was decorated to the max. Of course, these teenagers could see through the decor as their regular gym where they went to mess around and burn off energy for an hour three times a week. But tonight, they could dream. They were young, free and full of hope. Not exactly oblivious to the political storm and war taking place around them, but able to ignore it and have fun. For one night at least. 

It was on this night, that Joseph Sugg walked into the hall, ready for his first school dance. He was a junior, aged just seventeen. He would have to describe himself as a bit of an outgoing introvert. It wasn't that he was opposed to school dances or hanging out with his friends, it was just that he preferred his own company. And above all, couldn't dance. 

"Joe!" exclaimed one of his closest friends, Byron. He ran towards him with a drink of punch in his hand. From the aroma that Byron seemed to exude, Joe suspected that there was more than just punch in his cup. Nevertheless, he greeted his friend with equal enthusiasm. 

"Hey bro," said Joe grinning. "So this is a school dance," he said looking round at different groups dotted around the gym. 

"Yeah, promise you won't leave until later cause it'll liven up a bit," said Byron. 

"I promise, but I'm not dancing," said Joe firmly. 

"Spoilsport," Byron laughed. "Come on, the others are just over here,"

Joe took a deep breath and began to weave through the crowd, wondering if he'd made a mistake to come here tonight. 


"Di!" shouted Amy from across the room. Dianne's eyes quickly scanned the party and locked onto her friend and her boyfriend Ben in the corner. She made her way over to them, doing well not to trip over or bump into anyone in the crowded hall with her long pale blue dress. It was slim and slinky and totally different from anyone else's. Her friend Amy had the latest fashion of a bigger skirt. But she suited the look. Dianne much preferred her own dress. 

"The line for the restroom was so long!" sighed Dianne dramatically rolling her eyes. "I made about three new friends and convinced this girl that she deserves better than the guy who has just stood her up,"

"You're a saint," giggled Amy, offering her friend a drink. Dianne sniffed it and took it gratefully, glad that there was no alcohol. She had training tomorrow. 

"So Di are you dancing tonight?" asked Ben. 

"Hell yeah! I can't third wheel you guys forever and as much as I've asked, Amy won't leave you for me so I need to find a new dance partner," said Dianne, laughing at the look on Ben's face.

"Don't worry Di, trust me I've been thinking about it," grinned Amy before kissing Ben's cheek. 

 All three took ballroom and Latin lessons at the local school and participated in national competitions. Amy and Ben were Latin champions three years running and Dianne (who had had a string of different partners) always won at her ballroom regardless of who she was with. They were used to hard work and often missing out on other things in life in order to go to training. Consequently, this was their first school dance. 

"I don't see what all the fuss is about to be honest," remarked Amy, looking over the gym. 

"Come on Ames! Lets just have a good time," said Dianne. "We are only young once!"

Dianne and Ben pulled Amy to the dancefloor, yelling with excitement along with everyone else as the band started to play the most popular song at the minute. Dianne felt exhilarated. It felt nice to dance for once without being judged or making sure her technique was perfect. She wished she could feel like this all the time. 


"I'll just go and get another drink!" called Joe to his friends as he made his way through the crowd. He wasn't looking where he was going and walked straight into a petite redhead, knocking her straight onto the floor. 

"Oh my god! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" the redhead looked up and Joe's breath caught in his throat. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on. Her big brown eyes showed alarm but Joe could see how warm they were. Like staring into two pools of honey, he thought. 

"Let me help you up," said Joe extending his hands. The redhead took them gratefully and he hoisted her up. Joe began dusting off her dress, much to her amusement. 

"What are you doing?" she asked, trying to contain her giggles.

"Just making sure you're okay," he responded in a small voice. 

"You're so sweet, I'm Dianne," she said extending her hand. Joe shook it, introducing himself.

"Let me get you a drink, it's the least I can do," said Joe. Dianne nodded and Joe placed a hand on her back to guide her through the crowd and to the drinks stall. Joe got them both some punch and they sat on the chairs looking out at the dancefloor, chatting away. 

"So who did you come here with tonight?" asked Joe lightly, when they had been sitting there for about half an hour. 

"Oh I third wheeled my friend Amy and her boyfriend Ben," she said, pointing them out. Joe's eyes followed and landed on a pair of people who looked like professional dancers. 

"Are they professional?" he asked, unable to tear his eyes away. 

"Not yet," said Dianne. "But they are three time national Latin champions, so they'll probably turn professional in a few years,"

"Do you dance?" asked Joe, turning to look at her in his seat. He saw as her face blushed and she averted her eyes from his. 

"I do a bit of ballroom," she said simply. 

"I bet you're really good," said Joe warmly. Dianne smiled at him. 

"What about you Mr. Sugg?" said Dianne with a grin. "Do you dance?"

"Not at all," he said quickly. "I am literally the worst dancer you'd ever find in your life," 

"Oh I don't believe that for a second! Look at that neck, you'd be perfect for ballroom," said Dianne leaning over to touch his neck. Joe willed himself to stay cool, but he couldn't deny the crush that was growing deep inside him. Their eyes met as the song playing changed to a slower, more romantic tune. 

"Come on Joe," said Dianne, her eyes bright and daring. She took his hand and lead him to the dancefloor.

"But Dianne, I don't know how, I'm-" Dianne silenced his ramblings by placing her lips on his. It was only for a second, but the pair of them both felt fireworks. Dianne got them into a traditional ballroom hold and placed Joe's left shoulder down. There wasn't much room for them to perform many steps so they just swayed together to the music. Eventually, Dianne dropped the ballroom hold and just put her arms around Joe's neck, with him placing his around her waist. 

Hm, Joe thought, maybe dancing isn't that bad after all.


"And your 1959 Latin national champions are... Amy Dowden and Ben Jones!"

Dianne yelled with excitement from the wings of the stage, having just received the award for ballroom again. She could see the couple embracing each other and Amy's tears of happiness as they accepted their fourth national trophy. She peeked out a little further and she could see her Joe screaming and applauding her friends in the audience. The sight of it warmed her heart to the full. 

"You were so good!" said Joe after, wrapping his arms around her and giving her a loving kiss. 

She'd found her dance partner, her partner for life.

Author's Note- I was a bit stuck on how to end this one but I think I wrapped it up okay. It was a bit weird to write about them as though they were in school but I love the Grease vibe of the 1950s so it just seemed the natural way to go. Also I wanted to write a chapter that had a foundation in dancing because that's obviously where their real life journey began. I'm really enjoying writing this book and can't thank you enough for all the reads and votes. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

One Moment In Time- Joanne OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now