Part 8

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I can't believe we have slept for this long,I stretched out my arms and legs. My brothers were still asleep. I have to call coach and plead with him to at least get my phone from the hostel for me, since I am not too well to visit the hostel anytime soon. I took John's phone and placed the call. Coach Gibson picked the call but it seems he's in a heated argument with someone,so has totally forgotten that he's picked the call."I sent you to kidnap her, I never asked you to rape her, so why did you try to rape her. Priscy is mine and mine alone, how dare you try to touch her, how dare you flaunt my orders,now you've destroyed all my plans,what should I do now,huh!" "I'm sorry Boss Gibson." I hanged up in shock "I can't believe this, why would coach do this to me,o no!" My screams woke my brothers up from sleep. Priscy, are you alright ,why are you screaming?

" Gibson", "Yeah,what has he done?" John was anxious to know what was going on.

"Coach Gibson is behind the attack on me last night,I tried calling him with John's phone earlier and I overhead him saying that he sent someone to kidnap me. I just couldn't control my emotions anymore,I burst out in tears, whiles playing the recorded voice of coach Gibson as he confess to his sins.

"We are very sorry you had to go through this, but we promise to deal with him. He would not go unpunished." John left in anger. I had no idea what he had in mind, but I'm certain coach Gibson is going to pay dearly for what he has done to me. I just had to run after John because I wouldn't want him to get caught up in trouble because of me, but due to my knee injury,I couldn't catch up with him, I had to track him using Nick's phone. We then followed him in my car till we got to Coach Gibson's hotel, we got there to find John throwing punches at Coach Gibson.

"John please don't do this, stop please!" I tried to get in between them but Nick wouldn't allow me. John was just throwing punches at the coach who seem to be going into unconsciousness.

"Why did you try to kidnap my sister, talk!" After several punches on the coach he gave up and started talking.

"I...I knew Priscy even before she joined the team, I knew her real identity. I love her but couldn't let her know about it since it would be unethical for a Coach to date his team member, so ouch! he screamed out of pain, but John became tougher on him the more he tried to stop confessing. "Go on, jerk!" "So I planned on kidnapping her so she would be mine alone, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, please forgive me,please.

"In fact coach, you're disgusting!" I ran out of the room, left the hotel for the quiet and calm place I go to relax. I heard the guys running after me but I managed to get away from them even before they could reach me, besides I needed time for myself.

After spending hours at this secret place of mine, I felt it is time for me to go home,so I left for the house. Upon arrival,I realized my brothers weren't home yet. Before I could think of calling with the new phone my brothers gave to me as a gift,John and Nick entered the house. 'We've been almost everywhere, but couldn't find you,where were you?' I could feel the anger in John's voice, so I decided to stay silent and go to my room to rest.

'Girl, I'm sorry, I understand how you feel but you scared us, please do not do that to us again.' John smiled and I nodded. We conversed for a while and went to bed.

Early in the morning, the guys came to my room to inform me about the arrest of coach Gibson and his partner in crime. To my surprise Edward joined us. He informed us about how coach attacked and kidnapped him in order to prevent him from staying with me that night.

The team has their final match tomorrow and I have been given a special invitation to become a part of the team and play with the guys starting from tomorrows final match.


At long last the final is here. This time,I'm playing as myself, so one can only imagine how excited I am. Both teams came to the field,we started the match and after 45 minutes our opponents were down by 2 goals to nothing. The second half began with a penalty kick against us but the player missed it. By the end of the second half, I had scored 3 goals,and assisted 2 goals, so our team was leading 5-0.

We won the cup. The players couldn't contain their joy, they threw me into the air severally until we were called to be honored. Yes! Our team won, I got the player of the tournament as well as of the match. I also took the highest goal scorer of the tournament.

I was overwhelmed with joy especially when I saw my parents and brothers. We went home with the team to continue our celebration. After the tournament,the team had a new coach. We continued winning our matches and growing into a greater team.

I graduated from the University with First Class Honors, I decided to focus on my football career. I closed my eyes and opened,thinking of where I am now,a graduate and the best footballer, what a dream come true, thank God!

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