What if

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After Natsuki and Yuri ran out of the clubroom, it just left Monika and Sayori. Monika was working on homework. Sayori just sat with her head down. It was a peaceful silence, until....


"Huh?" Monika looked up after the sudden noise that seemed to have come from Sayori. She walked over to Sayori and put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey Sayori, you okay." Sayori jolted up and blinked back to reality. "Wha...?" "Sayo, you're crying. Are you alright?" "Oh...yeah. I guess. Kinda. Sort of.......not really.......no. I'm not." "What happened?" "Nothing happened. It's just...this is every day for me...nothing but emptiness. Everything would be better if I just disappeared." Monika was confused and worried. What did she mean?

"Sayori, what are you talking about?" "Monika...I....I have depression. Really bad depression. I've had it my whole life. And...I don't know what to do, or how to think happy thoughts. And I don't know how to make others feel happy. I only make them more sad..." Monika was shocked. This bubbly, cheerful girl she knew that picked her up from rock bottom, was really hurting. And she never noticed. "And one more thing, Monika. I have something to tell you." Sayori fumbled with her thoughts, trying to tell her the right way. "I know someone likes you. I can sense it. She told me that every time she looks in your eyes she can see the whole world. She told me that she couldn't hide her feelings anymore, and that she would see you at exactly 4:32."

It was 4:31:50.











"The girl that likes you...is me."

Is this real? (Sayonika and Natsuri)Where stories live. Discover now