Zalgo Lui Lorina come and remedys

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The next morning they are waken up by screaming. Jeff gets up and tells Sara to stay in the bed. He walks to of the room and walks down the stairs to the living room to find Destiny on the ground and her shoulder and arm covered in blood. Jeff screams for Sara. She comes racing down the stairs and when she sees Destiny she starts to cry. She runs to Destiny and Jeff goes out the open door and sees Bentley and Ben fighting off Zalgo and Jane. Jeff screams the word STOP. They stop fighting and they look at him. Bentley has a cut on his arm and it is dripping blood. Jeff runs out to Jane and Zalgo and tells Ben to make a portal then he pushes the two in the portal then the portal closes.

Bentley asks Jeff if Destiny is okay. Jeff shrugs his shoulders. Bentley runs in to the house, Ben and Jeff follow. Sara and Bella is in the living room crying. Jeff and Ben ask where Bentley went and they pointed to the infirmary. They go in there and see Bentley hovering over Destiny and crying. Slendy is in the corner running some scans on a computer screen with wires hooked up to Destiny. Jeff walks over to Bentley and takes him away from her and tells him that Des will be alright. Bentley turns around and walks away from Destiny behind Jeff and Ben. Before he leaves he turns around and blows Destiny a kiss.

Later on that day all the pastas are in the living room and Slendy comes out of the infirmary with papers in his hands. Before Slendy can say a word Lui calls and Jeff answers the phone. Jeff tells Lui that he can't talk right now and gets off the phone. Slendy starts to say what all is wrong with Destiny. He says she got shot in her right shoulder (I know they don't have guns but they do in my story), she has a huge cut on her leg, and she has a broken ankle. Bentley starts to curse under his breath. All of a sudden, Lui bursts through the door and sees everyone with sad faces. Lui asks what was wrong with everyone and Sara starts to scream at him. Jeff calms Sara down and explains to his brother what was going on. Lui apologizes to Sara and she forgives him.

Bentley is in the infirmary sitting on the bed beside Destiny without hurting her and watching her sleep. Destiny wakes and finds Bentley looking out the window. He starts to look back at her and she quickly closes her eyes. Bentley is talking to himself and is saying I love you Destiny, I can't believe I let this happen to you, this is my fault, and why couldn't this have happened to me. Destiny opens her blue and grey eyes and Bentley just stares at them. He says your beautiful and she pulls him to her and kisses him and he kisses back.

They are in the middle of kissing when Sara comes in and covers eyes. She starts yelling my eyes, my eyes they burn. Destiny and Bentley pull apart and stare at her. Sara says she has a surprise for her. Out of no where Lorina pops up and yells hi Des I heard you were hurt. Des tells Lorina no I just made out with a potato. Bentley has an upset look on his face and says, you did. Des tells Ben no sweetheart I only make out with you. Ben nods his head and looks at Lorina and Sara an they are fake gagging. Des chuckles. Ben walks in the room and gets this Pervy smile on his face and walks towards Lorina and looks at Sara and asks who is this sexy lady. Lorina blushes a hot shade of pink and Des says that is my cousin. Lorina thanks Ben and they walk off to Bens room to 'talk'.

Sara walks off as Slenderp walks into the room. Bentley asks when Destiny is going to be better and he says that stitches will take care of the cut and I'd she keeps her ankle in a cast for a month or two she should be fine. Destiny asks about her shoulder and he tells her that he doesn't know what to do about her shoulder. She starts to cry and Slendy doesn't like seeing her sad so he states that is able to heal her but he needs certain ingredients for the remedy. Bentley gets the list from Slendy and the list says

-pure cow blood

-mothman feathers

-vampire fang

-McDonald's French fry grease

Bentley sets out to get the items. It takes him 6 days to get everything. He comes back and Slendy heals Destiny's shoulder. Also he goes ahead and heals the rest of her and she gets up and hugs Bentley, then Slenderman. It is nighttime by this time and so they all go to bed.

This is the end of this chapter, hope you guys liked it.

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