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Larry stopped what he was doing, as he started looking around the basement and didn't see anything, while finishing putting up the things.

While he was doing that, upstairs Kelly was going up to check on Connie and when she arrived there, their little girl was still asleep. I need to go start dinner Kelly thought to herself, while stepping out of Connie's room and headed down the stairs.

While she was getting to the bottom of the stairs, Kelly wondered what was taking her husband so long and realized, how much stuff was down there. She just continued on, making her way to the kitchen and stepped inside.

When she was in there, Kelly couldn't make up her mind what to cook and decided to make chicken sandwiches.

Well she was working on that, down in the basement Larry was finished What was that, did I see something He thought to himself, while walking to the stairwell.

When Larry made it to the top, he heard a voice "Help me...please help me," it said in a ghostly tone, as he stopped in his tracks. What... What the hell He thought to himself with a weird look on his face and walk down the stairs again.

When he got to the bottom, Larry heard a faint voice "Where are you?" He said to whoever was asking for help. He was listening to see where the voice was coming from, as Larry tried to turn the lights on and they wouldn't turn on.

He felt his way over to the shelf, when he reached for the flashlight and knocked it over, as it tumbled to the ground. "S***, now what," He said out loud with a angry voice, setting the baby monitors down on the step.

Larry got on his hands and knees, as he started to search the ground for the light. While he was feeling his way around, Larry realized he had bumped into something and wasn't sure what it was, hoping he would find the flashlight soon.

When Larry finally found it, he turned it on and stood up, then realized he was in the middle of the basement. How did it get this far He talk to himself with a confused look on his face.

While shining the light slowly around the room, he wasn't seen nothing and was about to give up, when he noticed a glowing apparition in the corner of the room.

"Wha...what, what was that," He said out loud with a frightened look on his face, as it reached its arms out to him.

When the apparition was slowly moving towards him, Larry started to shake and didn't miss a beat, as he ran to the stairs. Larry looked over his shoulder, as he reached down to grab the monitors and notice there was nothing there.

I need to get a grip Hethought to himself with a worried look on his face, thinking he needed his eyes checked. Larry pick the monitors up, as he made his way to the top and open the door, stepping inside.

He closed the door, then headed upstairs to Connie's room and started setting one up, before going back down. When he was done, Larry grabbed the other one and stepped out of her room, while making his way to the living room.

Larry decided not to say a word to Kelly, as he search the other monitor up on the living room table and turned it on full blast, before walking down the hallway to the kitchen.

When he arrived there, he stepped inside and noticed his wife cooking dinner, while walking over to her. He kissed his wife on the cheek, giving her a wink and was about to get something to drink, when she looked over at him.

"Did you find them?" Kelly asked Larry was a straight face, while waiting for a response.

"Yes dear, I did," Larry said back to his wife with a smile and walked across the room to the refrigerator, as he opened it up.

He grabbed a beer out of its, closing the door behind him and opened it, as he took a drink. When Larry took the second drink, he didn't have a chance to swallow it "The table needs to be set?" She said to her husband in a kind voice.

He got startled, as he spit it all over the place and started to choke. "Okay dear," He said to her was a mad look on his face. Larry walked carefully over to the closet, grabbing the mob and started to clean the mess up.

"Are you going to set the table or not?" Kelly asked her husband with a Stern voice, without turning around.

He didn't say a word to his wife, as he finished cleaning up the mess and set the mop down, then walked over to the cabinet. I'm telling you, if she wasn't my wife He talk to himself, as Larry started pulling the dishes down.

Well he was doing that, his wife headed to the pantry and notice the mop sitting out. Kelly looked over at her husband, as she gave him the evil eye and didn't say a word to him, while grabbing some salt.

When she headed back, her husband was heading out the door "You need to clean the mop and put it away," She said to Larry with a high-pitched voice. While setting the table, he couldn't understand why is wife was acting like that.

When he said the last plate down, Larry looked at the table and make sure he had everything, as he started to walk to the doorway.

"What do you want, leave us alone?" He asked whoever it was out loud to the spirit was a angry voice, as he kept on hearing her. After a few minutes, it had stopped and Larry was glad it was gone, as he went back to the kitchen.

When he stepped into the kitchen, Larry walked over to where the mop was and grabbed it, as he went to rinse it off. After he wrenched it off, Larry looked over at his wife and wondered if she was still being in a snobby mood.

I don't want to say something and she tries to bite my head off  He thought to himself, while taking them up to the closet. While stepping into the Hall, he heard his daughter crying and went upstairs, to check on her.

While walking up to her room, Larry realize he didn't ask Kelly where the medicine was in here and he ran back down to the kitchen, stepping inside.

"Where is the medicine app, Connie is in pain?" He asked his wife in a low voice, as she told where it was.

Kelly went back to what she was doing, while her husband ran back upstairs with medicine in hand and stepped into their daughter's room.

She is back to her normal self  He talk to himself about his wife and handed Connie her medicine. Connie put them in her mouth, before reaching over and grab the glass of water.

When she was done, Larry tucked Connie back in bed and kiss her on the forehead, before leaving the room. "Daddy... Daddy, come here," She said out loud with a squeaky voice.

He stopped at the edge of the stairs, wondering if something was wrong and headed back to the doorway. Larry was about to say something "What's for dinner?" She asked her father was a sigh, as he let Connie know what it was and went back down the steps.

When he got to the living room, girl you had walked out of the kitchen and walked over to the dining room with food in hand, setting it on the table.

" it can't be!" she said out loud with a fearful look on her face, as the chairs scooted up against the walls.

Kelly was shocked about what she saw, as she ran out of the room and down the hall, screaming horrifically well making her way to the living room. when she got there, Kelly ran to her husband's side and try to tell him, about what happened.

"Uh...uh," Kelly said out loud to her husband with a terrifying look on her face, as she started to shake. Larry was trying to figure it out, since his wife was hysterical and try to get her to calm down, but couldn't.

What did she see, or did she see what I saw He talk to himself with a straight face, and he noticed his wife pointing down the hall.

Let me see, she was in the dining room he thought to himself with a curious look on his face and started walking down the hallway. Larry looked back, as he saw his wife staring down the hall and he knew his wife doesn't get scared easily.

" careful!" Kelly screamed to her husband with a crackly voice, as he was getting close to the dining room.

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