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When they did that, the noise started to disappear and the windows stop rattling. While Larry went to replace the bulbs in the hall, Kelly got back into bed and covered up.

She started drifting off, while her husband had found the light bulbs and in the other bedroom, Joshua heard someone moving around out there. He decided to open his door, to see what it was and notices friend trying to get the broken ones out.

When he saw that, Joshua stepped out of his room and walked over to where Larry was, as he offered to help him. "Okay, thanks," He said to Joshua with a smirk, while having him help get them broken ones out.

After struggling to get them out, they were relieved that it was done and started putting the new ones in. The two of them looked at the time, noticing it had took in them thirty minutes and couldn't believe it, as a continued putting the new ones in.

When they were done, Larry and Joshua shook hands before going to their room and crawling into bed. While laying there, the two men fell fast asleep and hoped nothing else would happen.

The next day, Joshua woke up and went into the bathroom, realizing Larry and Kelly was still asleep. When he was done, Joshua took it on himself to head down to the kitchen and start some coffee, since everyone had been drinking the night before.

While he stepped inside, Joshua went over and turned it on, while thinking about breakfast. Joshua decided to get a cup of coffee, to wake up before deciding on the other and after getting his first cup, he started to wake up.

Joshua walked over to the fridge, opening it up and started looking inside, to see what Larry and Kelly had. He noticed, that he could make omelets with a little of the pot roast and pulled it out, making his way to the counter.

He said it down, before looking for a Sharp knife and when he found one, Joshua started trimming some of the meat. When there was enough, he carried the roast back to the fridge and set it inside, as he grabbed the eggs and cheese.

After grabbing that, you made its way back to the counter and try to decide on making toast or biscuits. When he decided on biscuits, Joshua walked over to the pantry and stepped inside, searching for the ingredients he needed.

While he was doing that, upstairs Larry had woken up to the smell of fresh brewed coffee and wondered, if his friend was up. He noticed his wife was still sound asleep, as he slowly got out of bed and went to the bathroom, closing the door gently behind him.

Larry decided to take a shower, before going downstairs and he turned the water on, as he got dressed. After he was done, he stepped into the shower and while he was doing that, down in the kitchen Joshua started making the biscuits.

When he had the biscuits cut out, Joshua grabbed a cookie sheet and set them on it, while making his way to the oven. While opening it, he realize that the oven wasn't on and needed to turn it on to warm up.

After he did that, Joshua carried the pan and set it back down on the counter, as he grabbed a cup of coffee. When he looked for his cup, wondering where it was and realize it was in the sink, with the other dishes.

Dam it He thought to himself with a mad look on his face, as he decided to start the dishwater. While he was waiting on that, Joshua has grabbed the biscuits and went to put them in.

After putting them in, he went back and turn the water off, before starting the dishes. While continuing with what he was doing, upstairs in the bathroom Larry had gotten froze by the cold water.

Son of a He thought to himself with a mad look on his face, trying not to wake his wife. The water had went back to the regular setting and Larry tried to get his body warmed up, under it.

Joshua must be up Larry thought to himself and started to doubt himself, as he continued his shower. When he was done, Larry stepped out, started drying off and started to get dressed.

While he was putting on his gray jeans and blue short sleeve shirt What is that, it must be my wife Larry thought to himself with a concerned look on his face. He rushed to his wife's side, as she was tossing and turning and mumbling out loud.

Larry wasn't sure, if he was going to wake her or not and decided to wait, a little longer. While he was just sitting there, Kelly had woke up and looked over at her husband with watery eyes.

I'm just dreaming it She thought to herself what's a side and got up out of bed, walking over to the dresser. She grabbed some clothes first, before walking to the bathroom and stepped inside.

Kelly was closing the door, when Larry wondered why she was doing that and decided to ask her, as he walked over to where she was. "What are you doing, the main door is closed?" He asked his wife with a straight face.

"I just want some time to myself, is that okay," She said to her husband with a sad look.

"Okay my love, I was just wondering," Larry said to her with a wink and gave his wife a kiss, before closing the bathroom to work. After he done that, Larry walked out of the bathroom and over to the stairs, making his way down to the bottom.

When he arrived at the bottom, Larry could smell different stuff and headed straight over to the kitchen. While he was doing that, inside Joshua was already working on the fried potatoes and the omelets, when Larry walked in.

"You didn't have to do all this," Larry said to him, before reaching for a cup and for the coffee pot.

Joshua looked over at him "it's no problem, I'm happy to help," He said back to him with a smirk. While pulling the biscuits out of the oven, setting them on the stove and went back to work, on the other food.

Larry knew he would need some help, while pulling the plates and silverware out, as he made his way to the dining room. While he was doing that, Joshua was looking for two platters and finally found them, in the bottom cabinet.

He pulled them out, while scarring back to the stove and started to put the stuff on them, before dealing with the rest of it. While he was continuing on, Larry had walked back into where Joshua was and decided to get the condiment, as well as the orange juice.

I'll just do the juice here Larry thought to himself, while walking over to the counter and set the stuff down. After he did that, Larry grabbed three glasses and started pouring the juice in them.

When he was done, Larry went to put the juice up and up in the bathroom, Kelly was getting dressed. She slipped on her blue jeans and a white shirt, before stepping into the other room.

Kelly slipped her brown sandals on, as she sprayed some ladies perfume on and stepped into the Hall, making her way downstairs. When she arrived at the bottom, Kelly could smell the food My husband is making breakfast, how sweet She talk to herself with a smile.

She made her way down the hall, thinking about what he was making and saw her husband going into the dining room with some stuff. Kelly was at the doorway, where he was and watched him put it on the table, as she didn't say a word.

While she was watching him, in the other room Joshua was done with the food and headed into the Hall, as he noticed Kelly standing by the dining room.

"Good morning," Joshua said to her with a wink, as he continued n-word and set the two plates down, before going to get the rest of the stuff.

"Can I help you with anything?" She asked him was a smile, as Kelly looked into his eyes.

"No thank you, go sit at the table and I'll be right back," He said to Kelly with a grin, stepping back into the kitchen.

I guess I'm not supposed to do anyting She thought to herself, while stepping inside and made her way over to the table.

Kelly said down next to her husband, as she was really wanting a cup of coffee and notice their daughter wasn't there, as she knew the dream was real.

"Are you okay?" Larry asked his wife was a concerned look on his face, letting her know that the paranormal investigators will be there this evening.

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