Chapter 1

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"Hello, is anyone there?" I called out into the darkness, I heard faint footsteps. As I turned trying to pinpoint where they were coming from, I heard a scream in the distance, that's when I was drowned into a darkness darker than the one, I was turning in. I tried to yell but nothing came out. My throat felt like it was closing, and I found it was getting harder and harder to breathe.

I awoke drenched in a cold sweat. Even though I've been having the same dream for months now, it still terrified me. I turned over to look at my clock on my bedside table; 4:30am it read. I sighed and jumped out of bed, maybe a cooling shower would help to get my mind off of the fear I felt. I connected my phone to my Bluetooth speaker and just let the music and sound of the shower drown out any thought I had from the dream. Turning off the water, I grabbed my towel and wrapped my body in it. Bluetooth speaker in hand, I head back to my room, placing the speaker on my vanity, I replace my towel with my grey sweatpants, oversized hoodie, and slippers; I put my auburn hair up into a messy bun once it had fully dried. Suddenly the memories of the dream come swopping back, I remember how cold the darkness that engulfed me felt, how heavy my chest felt when I was trying to breathe; a shiver ran down my spine when I remembered the sound of the scream. 

Gasping for air I realized I had blacked out; I look around the room and I look at my clock and it reads 6:45am. I get up and start to get ready for the day. I change out of my oversized hoodie, and slippers, and replace them with a red t-shirt with a letterman jacket.  I walk downstairs to the kitchen and I'm greeted by my mother, "Good morning, dear." She smiles warmly. "Good morning, mom." I say as I force a smile, hoping she won't notice. "What's the matter, Candace?" She patted the chair beside her, which meant she noticed.  I sighed and made my way over to the seat beside her, thinking of how I'm going to lie through my teeth... Again, for the 50th time during the months I've been having this dream. I look at her as I sit down on the chair, take a deep breath and say "It's nothing really. I'm okay, just been having a hard time sleeping lately." This was the same thing I've said for the last few months, it was imprinted in my brain by now. "Okay, honey. If there's anything I can do to help, don't be afraid to tell me." She said with a small smile; I felt like she didn't believe me, but she didn't pressure me into sharing anything I was uncomfortable with because she knew that it wouldn't help. With nothing else to say, I got up grabbed my phone, headphones, and house-keys; slipped on my shoes and left the house.

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