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[A/N: He was right.]

[A/N: I hope you like.]


So, to tie up loose ends, the plane ride was unusually akward for both parties in it. Canada had been busy distracting himself with the sky, which had turned into a stormy grey during their time at the World Meeting. Russia had been focused flying, trying his damned hardest to not freak out everytime they underwent turbulence because of the current bipolar temperature. It had been quite a long time since he had flown a plane, after all.

By time they had finally landed, they were both exhausted from their duties. That, and they were exhausted from the lack of communication because of the tense air surrounding them. If it were any other country, they probably would've broken that tension a long time ago, probably back when the plane ride had started. The only problem here is that there were a few countries that preferred to not do that and allow the other to break the silence, and both Russia and Canada happened to be those types of people. So, an akward sky ride was pretty much guarenteed for them.

When they got into the now familiar truck and started it up, Ivan's hand instinctively went up the roof bar, ready for Matthew to make a joke about how he was preparing the murder for both of them, but no joke came his way. Just...Complete silence. Maybe they had made up temporarily at the hotel, but that sure didn't mean squat when the effect wore off and they were both burdened with the embarrassment of the things they said in their rage. Well, maybe rage was a bit of an overstatement. Concern was probably a better fit for the feeling. Very angrily delivered concern.

As the drive continued, the radio was eventually turned on to ease the silent tension. Though, now the tension was musical, not silent. That must be the strangest thing Russia has ever heard of and felt, musical tension. Maybe band players who have a fight in the concert room experience it often, but definitely not Russia and Canada. Neither of them played any musical instruments nor was in any sort of bands in both the past and the present, so that was most likely why.

After around 30 or so minutes of endless speeding down the highway, they ended up at Canadas home since it was already far too late for any practice now. Like Matthew had predicted a few hours beforehand, Ivan had gotten lost on the way here. Not only that, but they were also starting off in Italy of all places. The air spaces in the countries surrounding it were tight with tourists, making it hard to pilot and avoid being seen and even harder to figure out where the hell you were even going. After thinking about that, Ivan decided that maybe it was pretty much guaranteed for them to be home much later than the usual, especially with him at the wheel though he wouldn't admit to still not having memorized how to get to Canada.

The truck's engine died off with a mighty last roar as Canada withdrew the key, it immediately falling back into place with the other keys that were on the same ring as it. Russia was the first one to get out of the car, only blinking as the harsh winds of Canadas fearless winter bit ferociously at the skin underneath his already decently thick jacket. That had to be an achievement of some kind, to get Ivan to react to the cold attempting to rip his skin into icy oblivion. Then again, maybe the achievement wouldnt be worth it if it caused Matthew and him to have had a fight beforehand to cause such a shift in his gears. He watched with an almost shy body posture as Canada got out of the car, brushing the unkept bangs away from his eyes as he closed the truck door. Matthew sighed quietly as he looked up at the clouds which were now starting to let their snowflakes fall onto the both of them, unable to find the moon nor the stars they hid.

Ivan looked upon him with a look of sympathy, having an idea what Matthew might be thinking about when not even the stars or the moon want to come out to brave the soon to be coming storm. If you want a hint, it was certainly not a good feeling and it, while neither of them would admit to it, was shared between the both of them. As soon as Russia saw Canada take his gaze off of the stormy night sky, he looked away as though he had suddenly found interest in the split tree tucked between two smaller and younger, yet somehow stronger ones. He followed behind Matthew almost silently as they both made their ways to the front door, though he would've been completely dead silent if the sound of asphalt grating against itself underneath the pressure of his feet didn't exist. Actually, now that he thought about it, he could be some kind of...hitman or something...

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