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"Project!" Emma shouts angrily from in front of our formation

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"Project!" Emma shouts angrily from in front of our formation. "Put power into your movements, ladies!"

Today was not Emma's day. She got into six random fights because apparently they looked at her the wrong way and Theo has left me to fend for myself.

"I can barely handle Emma on her good days." He said before making a run for it.

I wasn't fairing that well with our temperamental friend. She screamed bloody murder at me for breathing incorrectly during warm ups.

"I want to win championships this year. Don't you?!" She continued stomping around the gym scaring everyone that was in it. Emma's shout was so loud that the volleyball team near us got distracted and someone accidentally spiked a ball right into Stacy's head.

At least one good thing happened today.

We do the routine all over again. Unfortunately for me, I was in front because I was the smallest which also meant I was the closest to her.

"Addie! It's called high kick for a damn reason!"

"Oy! Tomadora!" Emma's razor sharp eyes zeroed in on one of the wild girls. "Are you still drunk? Or do you just always dance like you're drunk?"

Sighing, we all start from the beginning. We repeat the same routine until my legs felt like jello. Emma doesn't even dismiss us and runs out of the gym in anger.

"What's gotten her so upset?" One of the wild girls asked laying on her back and breathing heavily.

I wish I knew the answer to her question but I didn't. Instead, I gather the girls around and do the usual closing for our training.

Mostly, I'm just worried that something might have happened at home for Emma to act like that.


During my evening jog, Theo called for the first time.

"You shouldn't have laughed when the ball hit Stacy's head." He began making my eyes roll. Of course Theo would call to reprimand me about mistreating his best friend.

I don't reply because if I do open my sailor like mouth he certainly won't appreciate what comes out of it.

"So, Emma just left training?" He asked through the call picking up on my change of attitude. Most likely driving home from training, I could hear him tapping on his stirring wheel distractedly.

Breathing heavily, I stop jogging and hold onto my knees. It's a full moon tonight that it casts a mysterious glow through the streets. "Yeah. I texted you about it. She just left."

There's a pause. "Maybe it's her grandmother. Should we send something?"

"She doesn't want us anywhere near her place-" My eyes widen and I stop mid sentence when I see a car driving inside the notorious Devondale Residence.

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