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My dear readers, I feel the need to inform you that I wont be working on this book for a few weeks due to being in a tight spot right now financially, which includes my phone bill. (Basically I'm a poor bitch lol)

So for those of you who don't know, I write stories on wattpad using my phone and currently have no other devices here at home I can use. So until I'm able to pay my phone bill I'm not gonna be able to use the internet for a while.

But please, just because I'll be gone for a bit doesn't mean any of you should stop! Please keep sending you're questions and comments for the big G man! That way I'll be plenty busy writing new chapters when I return.

I rely on you, my faithful readers and Godzilla fans, so I can create this content. You are what made this book possible! I'd also appreciate it if you could maybe spread the word to other wattpad users and possible Goji fans about this book, so that they may participate with questions.

I hope to see lots of comments, so I can get right back to writing when I come back! Bye for now! 👋🏻

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