Ch.3- Quill

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Harry was on his way to potions, almost at full sprinting speed now. He was going to be late, and he didn't want to disappoint Professor Slughorn, especially since he was not doing as well as he was when he had the Advanced Potions book that belonged to the Half-Blood Prince.

Harry, blinded by his need to get to potions and not be late, turned a corner without looking in front of him, and much to his dismay, ran right into someone, and stumbled forwards, the person he'd bumped into fell backwards, ending up in them falling into a compromising position. Harry opened his eyes, and they widened in realization as he saw who he was on top of. Just my luck, it had to be Malfoy, didn't it,He thought.

Draco's startled, piercing grey eyes studied Harry's brilliant, bright green ones. Harry hurriedly got off of Draco, stood up, and brushed his robes. He then held out a hand for Malfoy, their gazes connecting once more. Draco stared awkwardly into Harry's eyes, his own being clouded and shielding away from showing how he felt.

Draco slapped away Harry's hand, and got up himself, brushing his robes much like Harry did when he got up, and looked once more into Harry's eyes, which were pained, and the sparkle that accessorized his eyes was gone, and replaced by a soft shine. Harry quickly turned that pained expression into something more of frustration and annoyance, mad that the blond had refused his offering to help him up. And very rudely, at that.

Draco looked straight at Harry's face, and scoffed, turning on his heel and walking away. Harry decided to take another route to the potions classroom, and furiously made his way as he recalled the events that had just happened.

He thought it was quite rude of him, Harry had offered to help him up. But why should he care? They've only been enemies since, well, forever. Why would that change now? But why was Malfoy so mad? He didn't even make any snide remarks towards Harry.

Harry was confused, but then shrugged it off. He probably shouldn't have held out his hand anyway, he should've known that Draco wouldn't take it. But Harry wished he had, wanting to feel Draco's hand clasp his, as he pulled him off the ground, their fingers intertwining, their faces getting closer, their lips finally locking, moving with the rhythm that their body melodically provided them with.

Harry snapped out of his trance, unaware of his surroundings, he examined them, realizing he had finally reached the door to his classroom. He sighed as he opened the door, ready to get scolded by Professor Slughorn on punctuality. As he creaked open the door and slid in, he took a glance around the room, glad to see that it was  deprived of Professor Slughorn's presence. He felt quite relieved that he wouldn't have to be lectured on being late, but another calamity awaited to ruin his already terrible day, and Harry wasn't prepared for it.

Harry was shocked to see that Hermione wasn't sitting anywhere near Ron, and instead with a Slytherin girl, whom Harry had seen Draco hang out with a lot. It was the same girl that had offered that they just give Harry to Voldemort.

Harry then turned to look at where Ron sat, looking quite uncomfortable and disappointed. He was sitting next to another Slytherin, whom he had presumed to be another person part of Malfoy's 'friend group'.

Harry's eyes studied the room, and he quickly found out that the seats were assigned, and his was the only seat that was empty, and he would sit right next to-

Harry's eyes widened as they met the sharp, scathing ones of none other than Malfoy. Harry groaned and grumpily made his way to the back of the class, throwing his book bag onto the ground as he seated himself uncomfortably next to Malfoy.

He bent slightly to open his bag and pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill, but found that the quill was rather battered and ruined. Harry would've used Reparo, but these quills were special, and gifted by Hermione, and were meant to last a whole year without getting ruined.

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