Ch.10- Best Mate

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"Well, then, go ahead. What's your supposedly better plan than being a normal person and asking Harry to the ball?" Draco scrutinized.

"Well, for one, it would be much more romantic, and secondly, you'll find it easier."

Draco looked at her, intrigued in this new plan. "Fine, what's the plan?"

"It's simple. At the ball, you both will be wearing masks, which may or may not somewhat conceal your identity. This way if you'll find it easier to tell him how you feel." Pansy voiced.

"And, Hermione and I will be making sure that any distractions are out of the way, such as the Weasley girl."

"Granger knows about this? You told her?!" Draco questioned, his voice level rising.

All the blood drained from Pansy's face, as she realized she had accidentally told him that she had told Hermione. During potions when Professor Slughorn had made them sit next to each other, the two were a bit distant at first, but were soon making comments on Draco and Harry. But instead of backing up and lying to Draco, she hastily decided to just own up to it.

"Yes, I did! You know why? Because she's also dealing with a complete thick-headed idiot who doesn't realize that their crush actually likes them back, and doesn't even have the guts to say it." She whispered, angrily.

Draco glared at her, he didn't understand half of the words she said, but the last part was pretty clear to him. Draco's blood boiled threateningly, as he quickly retorted.
"Guts? I don't have the guts? Oh, I'll show you guts! In fact, I'm going right now! I'm going to show you that I do have the guts to ask him out!" Draco declared, getting up from his seat.

He snatched his book bag from the ground, and pushed in his chair. Pansy realized that this would ruin the whole plan that she and Hermione had come up with, but to be quite frank, it was a rather simple one. Most likely because if it was too complicated, those two would find a way to mess it up.

But if Draco truly was going to go ask Harry, it's better to let him than to tell him to just confess at the ball.


Harry couldn't stop thinking about what Hermione had said about telling Ron. She was right, Ron was his best mate, and deserved to know, no matter how repulsed he might be that he likes Malfoy. Harry decided it was better to just get it over with than to keep his feelings towards Malfoy closeted from Ron. He sighed, and got up from the sofa.

He made his way towards the door, the painting swung open just as he opened the door. As he made his way to the Gryffindor Common room, he started nervously fidgeting with his fingers, wondering if it was really the best idea.

He decided there was no going back now, so he continued on his way.

Harry couldn't shake off the feeling he was being watched, and premonition shook Harry to his core. He slowly reached his hands into both his pockets, wanting to not look as if he was indeed reaching for his wand.

Swiftly, he pulled out his wand and turned around, pointing it at someone, who seemed to be following him. He lowered his wand, realizing it was someone he knew. He stuffed his wand back into his pocket, as the flaming-haired girl walked towards him.

Harry let out a sigh, he was on his way to go do something of importance, about to tell something to Ron, regarding Harry's  own feelings towards Malfoy.

"Harry, why haven't I seen you in the Gryffindor Common Room in two days?" Ginny asked, her arms crossed in front of her. She wore a look of suspicion.

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