We made it to Washington D.C. I was shocked to see there was nobody on the usually busy streets. There was nobody in the malls, museums, historical buildings, now the only building left to go into was the White House.Krist ran into the building even though I told him not too. What if there were people there? What if they hurt him? I decided to chase after him totally not because I am worried about him. Haha idk what you mean. 😅
When I caught up to him he was in the presidents office, and there was not even one soul guarding the important room. There is no telling what kinda information is held in this room.
"I think we should separate." Sadie stated.
"Have you never watched Scooby Doo? Everything bad happens when everyone separates!" Krist said with a serious tone.
"Yeah, Krist is right we don't know what made be in this building." I said.
"See I'm right!" Krist shouted from excitement for being right.
I laugh when I see Sadie roll her eyes at us both. I glance at Krist and he was already going through some files, so I started to go through the presidents desk. I stumbled onto a a locked drawer. This lock is hard to pick. It took me a few minutes to pry it open. I look inside to see some papers about the world dying, so there was a huge rocket that settled the human race onto another planet. What do we do?
AN) sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes.
AN) I'll update tomorrow I know it is short but I'm about to pass out.

What Happened in September...?
Mystery / ThrillerI saw this story writing idea on Pinterest, so I wanted to give it a try. When Krist went to sleep on August 31st everything was completely normal. He woke up on October 1st. Every person and animal is gone without a trace. Except for Krist, his ne...