I roll my eyes at these two idiots who watched way too many cartoons as children. These two boys seriously just compared Scooby Doo to our situation. I couldn't have been left with smarter mature people?I walk over to were Singto was since he was closer. I saw him trying to pic a lock which he seriously sucks at by the way.
When he finally got it to open there was some shocking news inside. I couldn't believe my eyes when I read it. How could they leave us on this planet if it is dying? How come only us were left? I have so many questions. All we can do is keep searching for answers, and other people, and maybe a way to get to the planet?
I saw Singto show Krist the paper. There was a clear look of shock on his face while reading the news. Krist then kicked the desk in front of him.
"How can this be? This is bullshit how could they just leave us? There had to be something we can do? There had to be a bigger reason for them to leave because the planet seems to be pretty alive to me!" Krist started to say with a hint of panic.
Singto patted Krist's shoulder and then shrugged. We all kept searching all day in this awful place for more evidence and information. We only found a few pieces of information that was helpful. One of the papers was the date all the animals and humans left which was September 31st. Then there is the planet they traveled too which apparently only NASA knew about. The planets name is the GreenLand Planet.
Some details about the GreenLand Planet is that it is exactly how the earth was before humans damaged it. Now humans are going to a different planet to ruin it too. All humans do is pollute and damage everything they have. They cut down all the trees which is their oxygen supplies, kills off almost every animal leading them to extinction, kills each other, builds factors which pollute out air. Clearly all humans know is construction and I think Jrist and Singto understand that.
"What do we do next?" I ask concerned.

What Happened in September...?
Mystery / ThrillerI saw this story writing idea on Pinterest, so I wanted to give it a try. When Krist went to sleep on August 31st everything was completely normal. He woke up on October 1st. Every person and animal is gone without a trace. Except for Krist, his ne...