Operation Dark Side (1)

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Most parts of this book will be from a new recruits POV

As bullets flew over my head I looked at the bomb. I cut a wire and the time goes down to five seconds "EVERYONE GET OUT!" I yell running out the building. I get out with one other guy but the bomb went off killing the other three guys. The building imploded as I look in horror. Many Ansar terrorist forces ran out, one of which shot me directly in the chest. I scream in my pain as I was in the open and another round went into my leg. I scream out again crying. "PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!" I cried out loud as a spetnaz soldier came out from behind cover using his pistol as a round hit his face. I look again and the bullet was stopped by his balistic mask. He grabbed onto my backpack and dragged me into cover. I hold my chest crying as he shoots with his rifle. He pauses, injecting me with a stim top slow my heart rate and stop the bleeding. He drops into cover dropping his mag and putting a new one it. I cry too myself from the pain as he fires one last bullet. He stands up and looks at me with fire in his eyes, he hits me in the face. "Next time you want to try and work with bombs, know what your fucking doing!" He yelled in a heavy Russian accent. "I'm sorry! I didn't know and I panicked!" I was in true fear at this point. "Well that panic just killed three of my best men!" "I'm just a new guy and didn't have the correct training!" "The why the fuck are you here!" "They just told me I was with this group!" It was a yelling fest and I was shaking from how much I was scared of him. "Get the fucking medics over here!" He yelled too another guy, his voice was scratchy and loud like a roar from a lion. Two medics came up to me and lifted me up and took me too a flat area not to far away but I could still see the destroyed building. I was them dig through the ruble and drag two of what's left of the bodies. I cry again just thinking about the fact they had family's. I watch them pick the mangled and crushed bodies up and carry them over near me. Nikto takes his magazine out of his rifle and put in on one of the bodies. One of the medics pull me up. "You got lucky he didn't kill you comrade. The chest bullet was stopped, the leg one will heal just fine, you can walk." I limp over too the man "I'm so sorry" his arm shook, he kept his head low and his eyes went dark. He stood there shaking. I didn't know what was happening but one of the other guys in the group pulled me away. "I wouldn't mess with him. Nikto suffers from a few things" "like what" "Well he has post tramatic stress disorder" "oh..." I felt so bad. "Don't blame yourself comrade, you did your best and that all we can do" I look at the ground and thought about what he just said "thanks" I said to him. I look back and see Nikto kneeling. We all sit for a minute until they find the third guys dog tags. I cry to myself just thinking about how their deaths are my fault I was snapped out of my crying by Nikto tapping my shoulder. "Extraction is here" I hear the helicopter and walk next to him as we get in and leave there.

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