Operation Fire (2)

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Again not from Nikto POV, new POV. Hot shot recruit.

I step off the helicopter and look at all these other soldiers, all of them look like some pussies. I bet I can beat every one of their asses and not even break a sweat. We walk to this building that is said to have a hostage. This dude in a balistic mask took point but I pushed past him and went first. I push into the first room as a pulled went passed me as a grunt could be heard behind me. I shoot the guy and turn and see the guy with the balistic mask got a new scratch on his mask. He shook his head at me and points to a 5.56 round on the floor. His mask stopped it. "Don't be a baby" I push past him again and push into the next door. This time a bullet when into my arm and into a guy behind me. I hear two rounds fly past my head and into the shooters head. I thought for a second I was hit but I was fine. I move to the next room but the guy in the malistic mask threw me to the ground and lightly opens the door before tossing in a flash the shutting it. On the loud pop is when he pushed in and three shots ran out as a baby's screaming filled the area. Two more guys went in and one exited with the baby and the other with a woman who was out cold. The last one to leave the room was the guy. I got a good look at him and the scratches and cracks in his mask showed what he had been through. We pushed into the last room and it seemed to be nothing. One guy hit a was which lead into a secret room. Five or six shots shredded the guy. The balistic mask guy thought fast and returned fire. A fire fight broke out as I started shooting too. After what seemed like hours the gun fire stoped and nothing was left. We call job done and leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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