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Hey, Readers!!! I know, I know. You guys are upset about me breaking up one of the best damn couples in the world. But I had to do something with them!!! Being always happy isn't healthy! Believe me, I know this stuff -_-

Anyhoo, here's Chapter 7, ENJOY!!!!


Natsu P.O.V

I felt like I was dead. I know what it's like what it's like to be dead, and believe me, it's pretty depressing. I walked home with my heart filled with sorrow. I closed the door behind me, and had no words to say. I couldn't comprehend what had just happened to me execpt for these seven horrible words.

Lucy and I were no longer together.

Those words were like a spear to the heart. I jumped into bed and sighed with despair. I tried to think of all the things I did wrong that would drive her to the point of breaking up with me. That was when it hit me.

It was his fault.

Because of him, I was driven to the point where I was stressed and fed up about everything. Anger boiled in my body, and that anger turned into fury. I went into a riot. I flipped my kitchen table, broke dishes, and threw my bed on the side of the room. As I threw stuff out of my dresser, I heard something that didn't sound like my clothes. I look down, and my heart sank even further. 

It was the engagement ring I was going to give to Lucy.

"Oh God." I whispered. My eyes began to sting with tears, so much that they were equivelent to the amount Lucy usually cries. "Lucy!" I cried. I just couldn't stop crying. My heart felt like it was broken into a milllion pieces. I began to drift to sleep, my eyes still wet with tears, and my hands clutching on to the engagement ring to my heart.

The next morning, I didn't even bother to change my clothes, nor take a shower. I just walked to Fairy  Tail, nervous about what would happen if I met up with Lucy. When I got there, everyone was silent when they caught my eye. Damn, news fly fast,I thought. I sat with the others, and I got a pat on the back from Gajeel. "Sorry, man."

"Must've been tough." Romeo said silently.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"Why don't you try to talk to her." Gray suggested.

"Maybe I will." I said, maybe being able to change her mind. I got up and walked up to the girls table. When they say me, they had a nervous look in their eyes.  I saw everyone except for Lucy. "Where's Lucy?" I asked.

"She spent the night at my place and didn't want to leave." Levy said silently. "I tried to talk with her, but she just slept on the couch with tears in her eyes."

"What happened anyways?" Ezra asked.

"Lucy was trapped, I rescued her, but then I sort of....snapped." I said silently.

"It's that guys fault." Wendy hissed. "I wish I could just blow him out of the world!"

"We all do, Wendy. Natsu especially." Juvia said.

I looked down, my heart sinking deeper and deeper to the ground. I suddenly felt Levy's hand on my arm. "Don't worry. You two are meant for  eachother."

I smiled slightly. "Thanks, Levy."

Lucy P.O.V

Is it possible to just live on your best friend's couch for the rest of your life? Because I never wanted to leave. I wouldn't be able to face Natsu ever again. I practically broke his heart.

And my own as well.

As I layed on the soft leather couch, I tried to forget what I did last night.

Sadly, that wasn't working.

We're done. I regret saying those words the minute they left my mouth. I was just so angry at him for say that, and it just slipped out of my mouth. My eyes were sticky from all the tears I shed yesterday. "Natsu, will you ever forgive me?" I asked to the invisible Natsu. Tears slowly began to fall down my face, which I thought was impossible since I practically cried all night. Suddenly, I began to smell something...funny. It was sweet, yet sour at the same time. I sat up and looked around to see where it was coming from, but I couldn't tell. My head suddenly felt dizzy. What's...happening, I thought. That's when I layed down on the couch, my vision began to look blurry.

And that's when I got knocked out.

When I woke up, I was no longer in Levy's apartment.

My legs and arms were strapped on a metal table. I was no longer in my mini skirt and t-shirt, but just in my underwear and bra. "What the hell!" I gasped.

"Finally, I can see your true beauty." The voice sighed.

"You! Let go of me!" I screamed.

"But I've been waiting for this moment ever since I layed my eyes on you." The voice sighed again.

"What moment? I don't even know you!"

"Actually, you do. I've just hidden my voice so that you wouldn't know.

"Then just tell me who the hell you are!" I screamed.

"Before I do, let my mechanical arms get you in the mood." The voice moaned. Suddenly, two mechanical arms appeared from the ceiling. They suddenly began to un-hook my bra. "What are you doing!" I screamed. They began to grope my breasts. I moaned, but not in pleasure.

I hated this.

Then, they began to take off my underwear. "STOP IT!" I screamed.

"But I thought you liked pleasure."

"ONLY FROM NATSU AND NATSU ONLY!" I cried, tears falling down my eyes. I could tell he was angry about this, because he went even rougher than before. I screamed as loud as I could, hoping that someone would hear me. "It's hopless. The walls are sound proof." He said.

"Please," I begged, "stop it."

"No." He said. My breasts were suddenly squeezed even tighter, and I screamed. 

Suddenly, the arms stopped.

They went up back into the ceiling.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"I can't control  myself. I want you, Lucy." He moaned.

"Please, just let me go!" I begged.

"I believe it's time for me to reveal myself." He said.

Suddenly, I heard a loud beep. I look to my left to see a door opening slowly. When the doors open, I gasp with shock. this even possible!

How can it be him!

"Hello, Lucy." He smiled.

I was speechless, not sure what to say. But I could only say one word, a word so hard for me to say.


Tears of Love { Sequel to A Dragon's Burning Love!}Where stories live. Discover now