The Truth

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Hey, Readers!!!!! I think my last chapter deserves a "Duh Duh DUUUUUUUUUH!!!" I was actually thinking of doing someone like Elfman, but then I remembered Isamu, and I had an Ah-Ha moment!!!!! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 8, ENJOY!!!!!!


Lucy P.O.V.

I was dumbfounded. My own brother, who was killed by Lisanna last year, was in front of me, as alive as ever. I looked around my body to see if he was a zombie, but he had know scars at all. " are you alive?" I asked.

"It all began several years ago, during the time when you disappeared.Unlike our idiot father, I was the one searching drastically for you. I looked high and low, but couldn't find. This urge to find you was what made me realize that I loved you. Not in a brother and sister way, but something even more. Then, when I thought about giving up, that was when I saw you sitting under a tree that night, reading a golden book. I didn't know if I was dreaming or not, but the fact that I saw you...well, it made me want you." He explained.

"But...I still don't understand why you're doing this? And u still haven't explained how you're alive." I said, my voice filled with fear.

"I didn't mean no harm, but he showed up." He said, spatting out the mention of Natsu's name. "He interfeared! I thought I had a chance when you two were on your break, and you came to Hinamizawa. But nooo! He followed you like a pesky fly! HE TOOK AWAT YOUR PURITY!" He screamed.

At first, I didn't know what he was talking about, but then that was when I thought back. Natsu and I first made love at the house. 

And he was there! 

"And as for my so called 'resurrection', I was never truly dead. Well, I had to get rid of father,  because he was getting to suspicious.  Thanks to my Technology Magic, I was able to make a hologram that looked and felt like me. The plan was to frame Natsu, but then that little Lisanna girl showed up."

My throat suddenly went dry. " killed Otou-San?"

"It was the only way, my beloved. He was getting to close." He said.

My mind was racing out of control. This was too much to take in. "Isamu-Niichan-"

"DONT CALL ME THAT!" He screamed, flipping his computer chair to the other side of the room, crashing into several fragile items. I flinched at the sound of glass breaking. "Isamu," I said, trying no to say Onii-Chan, "if you love me, then let me go."

"I'm afraid I can't do that." He said, his eyes going dark.

"W-Why?" I asked.

"Because I've been waiting for the two of us to become one for such a long time." He said, walking towards me.

"P-Please. Step away." I begged.

"I can't." He whispered. He suddenly threw himself at me, kissing me forcingly. I tried to shake him off, but my arms and legs were strapped, so I was defenseless. He forced his tongue into my mouth. Tears fell down my face as his hands traveled through my body. "STOP IT!" I screamed.

He looked at me with anger. "Electrical Connection!" He chanted,. SUddenly, an electrical surge flowed through my body, making me scream in agony. "You don't want to mess with me, Atsuko."

Natsu P.O.V

As I chugged down my beer, Gray came up to me and swiped it away. "Stop it with the alchohol, man."

"What else can I do?" I asked. "It's the only thing thats taking away my sorrows."

"How about you go and talk to her." Gray suggested.

"Nah, she'll just shun me out." I said silently.

"Well, you can't drink beer for the rest of your life." Gray grumbled as he walked away with my beer. I sighed and just stared at the counter, trying to think about what I'm going to do. "Lucy would usually help me with these kind of things." Suddenly, I got a text message. I opened it, and it said.

Go to the bathroom.

Suspicous, I did as I was told and went to the men's room. I texted back :

I'm alone in the bathroom.

Another text came with an attachment.

I hope you enjoy this little movie >:)

Confused, I opened the video. What I saw made me fill up with fury. I saw Lucy, tied up to a table. And then i saw another person. I gasped at who it was.

"Isamu?" I whispered.

Then the real movie started.

Lucy was getting raped by her brother. She was fighting as much as she could, but would get electricuted every time. "STOP IT! PLEASE!" She begged.

"I hope you know your little ex is enjoying this video." He snickered.

Her face got pale. "What?"

"Natsu! Long time no see!" He laughed maliciously.

"NATSU!" She screamed.

And then the video ended,.

I could feel my legs shaking. Suddenly, another text appeared:

If you want to see Lucy, head to 2364 NW Taiga St. Come alone.

I immediatley sprinted out of the bathroom, and then out of Fairy Tail. "Natsu! Where are you going!" Gray called out.

"To find Lucy!" I yelled out.

As I sprinted through out the town, there was only one thing and one thing only on my mind :


Isamu P.O.V

Lucy was amazing.

She felt amazing. 

As I buckled up my pants, I looked over at my Lucy.

She was asleep, thanks to my pills.

And boy, did she look beautiful.

Now thee's only one more part to my plan.

Destroying Natsu Dragneel.

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