Sorry but i just got to say this, you are a loser except you prove you are not by saying you self worth . i know you do not understand what i mean yourself worth i mean what are you dreams and what are your focus in life how much have you ever dream or imagine yourself in possession of it, in your imagination that yourself worth , meaning what you believe you are, are what you can achieve.
Now the cat through is a kinda subject that i want you to understand clearly , that why i title this chapter like that because the cat are so kinda animal that can climb or pass through something you never thought it going to pass or climb and that how i want you to culture your human mind because , if i must explain human beings has no limitation on become whoever they want to be the only limitations on human is time and that why God gave us 84,600 seconds which is 24 hour to make it count , making it count is by doing something useful to yourself, it is a great deal that the most poorest persons on this earth are people with no civilization and with no training of their minds of who there are, because nobody cares of telling them. okay i got a story i will want you to read carefully and grab it into you sub concisions mind.
A certain Man was walking along the road and he came in contact with a nest on a tree, and you know what he thought it was a bird nest when he check it guess what he found a little eagle egg†wow the man was so happy he pick up the egg took it home and add it up to where his chicken is laying eggs and soon afterward the chicken hatch her eggs , including the eagle egg too. soon afterward the chickens and eagle grow up together, eat together , play together and it end up the little eagle learn all the ways of the chicken and feels he is a chicken on a beautiful morning there were walking when the little eagle saw an eagle flying so high and he say to himself ohhh wow
I will love to fly too i like how that bird fly so high
. One of the little chicken turn to the little eagle and said ohh stop saying such that is an eagle flying and forget it you cannot fly because you are a chicken only birds like the eagle can fly.
Let's go the little chicken to the little eagle and the little eagle went on with the chicken feeling that he cannot fly he is just only a chicken.
And that eagle never try to see if he can fly but it kept to the word of the chicken and the eagle live and die as a chicken by his thought but in his nature he is an eagle but the thought of his mind kept him from being the eagle he want to be
However that is the very nature of all human ,always keeping in their mind, i cannot do it, this person say so or my mother say so , so i cannot , by this word you set limitations to yourself , stand by your word not by peoples word, remember nobody defined who you are except you accept it, but i just want to tell you this.
I am not trying to make you feel that you are rich.
I am not trying to motivated you or give you inspiration.
No I am telling you that you are riches.
Someone will say how , you are riches because God or ALLAH created you out of his own image which means you are of his riches, glory, success and more prosperity. he gave you so much attribute of himself. now am not trying to be biblical hear but that is the truth. no man can create any thing that do not have meaning or objective or aim , yes because even the picture we keep in our cells phones and in our house has objective and purpose and it purpose it to remember us of an event that took place. so too no man or woman on this earth existed accidentally , may be your parent bring you out accidentally but let me tell you some , God was expecting you and even the universe was in your joy when you where born. so riches , prosperity ,healthiness success and more were given to you before you came into this world because God knows you needed it , you are riches, the universe is just there to back you up, you need to understand that you were born of success and not of failure , for failure is an attitude someone make by himself or herself , but success is already in you.
Non-FictionThe will power to success book, is a motivational, self help and development book, it is wide interesting and it will assist the reader to get inside ideas about his or her verge on a successful outcome in life, the fact is everybody want success...