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Creativity is found in every human being, and imagination takes a person through life. i have found love with my imagination because, if you do not have imaginations then you are yet to begin your success.

 In this very sphere of life or world we are. the world need creativity and creativity can only come by creative minds , the world need more ideas , be creative with your ideas try to create something new. well it is however know that most people in this world always follow other peoples ideas and never try to create something new. in defined the terms.

 Creative: it is an act of thinking, pin on initiative that can be productive and lucrative.

creativity on the other hand is an act of destined creation of the mind into reality.

 You need to understand that if every person on this earth where not creative then i tell you nobody could have been in this present civilization, because creativity brought about civilization. you need to start creating thing yet to be unfold the business world needs you, the tech world need you and the world itself need your ideas, because through creative ideas democracy was called a system of government and was accepted a governmental system , this creative ideas came from just one man Abraham Lincoln. everyone on this earth have a creative mind and if you will not have time to try to create your own imagination then you can never create ideas.

Creative imagination is the pure source of a successful man both in the business, tech, world and more name it, if you apply it in whatever you do then you begin to witness more success, that why you see in the business world many person succeed more than others in the business world and you think the other persons are not good business personnel. the reason is because some lack creative imagination, and what affect people more in business is because of their thought , many people always feel that business mostly is good but sometimes fail, and when you lay hold on such thought you find out that you begin to fall off in their business, you need to let go of that thought in your mind because business is all about success, and more success in business can only come by creative imagination. alright many people still do not understand what i mean by creative imagination. Let's do something practical here. but it is a story , and in this story.

There was a man at a country side who owns a bar and one morning a doctor came by this shop and with some instrument that can be use to mixed drinks or any fruit and he said to the bar man i want to sell this things and the bar man agree to buy them and he bought them from the man for $500 dollars which was his last cash on him and the doctor went away ,

many will say the bar man can use it to make fruits juice for himself

 yes that true but the bar man was look forward of producing his own soft drinks with what he bought from the doctor. that was his creative imagination .

you will also say how many will he even produce a day or sell

 But let me tell you something the bar man never look at that word or lay hold of such may be the word came but he never agree, but stay focus on his creative imagination and I tell you he started producing his own soft drinks, and I tell you one thing he only sell twenty eight drinks in a month and he decide to produce more because he know that he can and I tell you one thing. if you say you have never drank or taste Coca cola then you are lying . the Coca cola you drink today was his creative imagination long time ago. okay apart from that what about the chewing gum do you know how much the producer of such make a month from it, if not mistaken multiple millions of dollars, the chewing gum was someone creative imagination during the 1950 and till now, is till part of the culture especially girls .

What ? you need to know that what so ever creative ideas or creative imagination that comes to you when you are thinking know that you can create it. know this anything that cannot be created cannot exist in a thinking mind.

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