- wish zero -

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  To say Taehyung wasn't the least bit excited for Christmas would be the biggest understatement of the century. In fact, to even say that he was excited would itself  be an understatement as the state he was in was more of the likes of pure elation over the very prospect of the holiday. It was like he was getting married that very day.

  This same ecstatic behaviour was someone one could infer from his permanent jumpy state throughout the whole month of November, where he counted down each passing day as a reason to celebrate the eventual arrival of December. His bonus constant bickering of his Christmas plans to everyone, actually everyone, merely emphasised this fact. Even his homeroom teacher was tired of the non-stop zeal in his sparkly eyes whenever he looked at her. In a way, anyone else's eagerness for the holidays to come would look pathetic when compared to Taehyung's. He could not be defeated in that department for sure.

  Reasons for his over-the-top energy for the arriving month stems from the very special occasion that was happening that year. You see, Taehyung had always loved Christmas as it would mean he get to stay over with his grandma, who was there for most of his childhood years. But this year was special.

  This year, Taehyung's parents, who usually had urgent business to attend to especially around the end-year season, had promised to spend time together as a family. Together. This meant that his delight of seeing his grandma again coupled with the rare opportunity to see his parents again would technically make this Christmas the best Christmas of his entire life. Period.

  Imagine that, Taehyung got to enjoy the cold but fuzzy warmness of winter, spent time with his beloved grandmother and have his parents physically around? Literally nothing could've made him happier. Like the eventual rainbow that followed after the storm, Taehyung's world was getting brighter and full of colours. Colours that would paint the white canvas of snow with everything he's been dreaming of. Dreams that he'd been sketching for years but without the tools to actually draw them out.

  Furthermore, there was something else that the boy was rather fidgety about. Although it was childish, he'd always keep it as a personal memento to always follow through with his plans. This particular plan of his was more akin to a personal tradition. A tradition where he'd ready a list of things he wanted whenever the golden month did arrived. Consisting of twenty-five wishes that he would strive to grant himself before Christmas came, he'd always get one ready before snow had even hit the ground. It worked like this, whenever a new day arrived, Taehyung would have twenty-hours to complete the particular wish of the day before midnight arrived. Repeat until all twenty-five wishes have been fulfilled and then in his opinion, he would have the best Christmas of his life. Well that's what he thinks anyways.

  Ranging from simple wishes like "I wish to wake up by seven today" to harder wishes to fulfil like "I wish to pet fourteen dogs today", his reasons for the annual wish list is only comprehensible when understanding that Taehyung only did this for fun and nothing more.

  He never saw it as a challenge nor a daily necessity. It was more of a fun little game to play while time passes until the big day finally arrives. He never remembered why he started doing it but he assumes that younger him probably did it to entertain himself whenever his parents weren't there to celebrate the holidays with him that year. This was basically the majority of the Christmases he's had in his life and so the tradition of him completing the list was always done alone.

  But now everything was different.

  His parents were finally going to be there with him. All throughout the month, together at home, working on completing his holiday wish list. Until they get to celebrate Christmas. 

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