- wish one -

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 "Hey Tae, is this all really necessary?" rolling the suitcase through what is probably the seventh hallway, the younger upon reaching yet another long stretch of closed doors. Was there always this many rooms in the dormitory?

  Taehyung, somehow oblivious to the younger's crude display of annoyance over his ordeal, began walking at a much faster pace catching the younger by surprise as he struggled to keep up.

  "I mean, I know I promised to hang out with you all month but do I really need to switch rooms? My room's already perfect for me," continuing to whine, he ignores the part of him that knows Taehyung's probably way to excited from the transfer that he's not even listening. That, however, wasn't enough to stop from ranting anyways. After all, he did have the right to be annoyed.

  You see. this all began when Taehyung began messaging him after midnight, at one, a rather ominous "You're not going to sleep on your own bed tomorrow night" which did freak him out to say the least. The fact that he was up late in a deep rabbit hole of creepy online videos didn't help out either. Just as he was about to high key freak out and quickly call his roommate to come back, despite already leaving for home earlier that morning, he received another notification a minute after the first.

It read, "Oh that wasn't a threat by the way! You're moving in to my dorm tomorrow! Get excited! :D" and all manner of fear and really-to-flip-out in Jungkook's system had transformed into pure confusion as the little semblance of logical he had left that late in the night really made it hard for him to understand anything at all. Rounding it off to probably be a joke, a distasteful one at that, he ignores the boy's randomness by shifting his attention back to his laptop screen to instead watch a video about a cringe compilation. Through that, he slowly began succumbing to his tired state of mind and eventually accepting sleep to arrive.

  Later that proper morning, when he was awoken to a loud banging on his door, his first thoughts that rushed to his head was his roommate who might've forgotten his key again but hearing the familiar yell "It's me Taehyung, open up!", he readjusts himself by fixing his hair and rushing to put on a shirt before stumbling towards the door.

  With the door wide open and a happy-looking Taehyung looking at him, well happily , Jungkook became confused when neither spoke anything but instead the older just looked at him expectantly. "Um, where's your suitcase?" Taehyung grins confusedly when the silence made the interaction too awkward for the both of them.

  "What suitcase?" the younger blinks.

  Only after Taehyung's facepalm and kind explanation of basically everything to the boy, did Jungkook finally realise what he meant by 'moving in'. This then made him realise of the many problems and burdens of having to do that. When he tried to bring them up to Taehyung however, they feel onto deaf ears as Taehyung busied himself by packing the younger's multiple sets of clothing for the stay at his place.

  So as Taehyung happily mused on about how they could do laundry together and eat together and basically do everything together, Jungkook couldn't help but sigh in submission. Even though Taehyung usually brought pains and burdens to him, Jungkook usually sucked it up out of good will. He always did so as he knew Taehyung would always do the same for him. That's just how their relationship worked. One always looking out for the other.

  Jungkook just assumed that this time, it was his turn to do the favour. And do the favour he shall.

  Only during the journey to Taehyung's room which was in another block, did Jungkook 's torrent of sighs and complains began. Although he didn't mind sleeping over at Taehyung's, the issue about the distance was something else entirely. After all, there wasn't anything wrong with just meeting up to hang out after sleeping in their individual rooms right? None of these points reached Taehyung who was too enraptured with the thoughts of how much fun the two would have together that holiday and that was how their journey that morning went like. Mostly Jungkook showing his not-morning-person attitude and Taehyung skipping at the front, seemingly ignoring the other.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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