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Taehyung always considered himself as a busy person. He does things he wanted and to fulfill his needs. He has always been a passionate person and teaching just happened to be his passion together with doing arts

So when he was contacted to be a substitute teacher for his colleague, he can't be so much happier than ever

When he became a teacher, he didn't expect to be a lot busier than before. All those paperwork and deadlines and everything he had to do, it wore him out to the brim of exhaustion

Now, in his pyjamas doing lesson plans and all of the papers he needed to check, he groaned as he stretched his body. He's been sitting on his desk for the past 5 hours doing plans and sketches

Don't get him wrong, he loves teaching and arts that he could do it all day without a break. But sometimes the exhaustion would just kill him

Standing up from his chair, he decided to go to the kitchen when he felt the crumbling of his stomach, yelling at him to get some food

When he went out of his room, he heard the soft padding of Yeontan's paws as he followed Taehyung outside of the room

The brunette smiled at the sight of his growing dog, trying so hard to keep up to his pace

As he entered the dark kitchen, he decided that he's too lazy to switch the lights on so he just continued walking, wishing that he won't bump into something

He let the light inside fridge illuminate the small kitchen as he scanned the contents of the shelves inside

He found nothing. Not even leftovers.

Right, he's been so busy that he can't even buy groceries or anything to eat. He had a debate with himself to wether get a takeout or just eat in a fast food

He decided that he'll go to a convenience store and cook ramyeon

Still in his pyjamas, he grabbed his coat in the rack before slipping on his slippers and going out

"I'll be back in a few Tan-ah. Be a good dog" who is he kidding? Yeontan is a brat but he loves him regardless

He made sure to lock the door of his apartment before going to the nearby convenience store

Taehyung was born and grew up in Daegu. But because of his passion, he decided going to school is a very good idea. His parents supported him to everything he does, specially if it involves his happiness

As he walked down the empty streets at 10 pm

He lived in an area where it was near the campus but also not so many people lived there. It was so quiet that the only sound that he can hear are his footsteps and crickets around the area. Only the lamps are illuminating the street as it was a cloudy night, he thinks it'll probably rain the next day

Taehyung felt refreshed as the cold wind hit his face. It was the cold breeze of the autumn. It'll be winter soon and he's happy that it's nearing, the season have always been his favorite.

Now that he's at the main road, he's pretty sure people at Seoul doesn't really take a rest. There are still several cars running and buildings are still lit up at this hour.

He walked to the nearest convenience store but before he got the chance to enter, the glass door is already being opened from the inside

The two of them stood shocked and just looking at each other, same surprised expression seen on their faces

The other male first spoke to the brunette who quickly covered his body of his coat, only minding that he wore his pyjamas

"Mr. Kim, surprised seeing you here"

The raven haired male can't seem to hide his smirk as he saw the other's appearance

Taehyung had his head lowered from embarrassment that his student have seen him at this state. But he kept his eyes up and scanned the younger male

Who he now realized is wearing a uniform

No, not a school uniform but the convenience store's crews' uniform

He then realized that Mr. Jeon is probably working there

Taehyung tried to remove the awkwardness by clearing his throat. Now, he didn't care what he looked like in front of this student, he needs his food.

"Good evening Mr. Jeon. May I enter? You are kind of blocking my way"

The younger male is quick to apologize before taking a step forward

But the same time Taehyung also stepped forward, resulting for them to almost hit each other

"Oh, I'm sorry"

Taehyung just shrugged off before entering the store. The cashier greeted him and he only gave a tight smile before going to the noodle section

He knows it is unhealthy to eat instant food in consecutive days but he says fuck it because he can

Once he was there, he was stopped in his track. His face falls down seeing that it's only the spicy ones that are left

He hates them, makes his stomach upset

He had no other choice. It's either to take it or pick another food to eat

'But I am craving for ramyeon today'

So again, he said fuck it and picked up two packs of spicy ramyeon

Not far from him, he can definitely feel a pair of eyes piercing at his back and he had a clue who it was for obvious reasons, but he decided to shrug it off

He went to the cashier to pay for the food but to his surprise, the other guy was not there anymore

Of course it was Jeon

"Hey Mr. Kim, it's too late to have dinner"

Jeongguk tried to initiate a little chat but the older man just looked at him unamused

"I know, it's also late for you to be here because you obviously have classes tomorrow" Taehyung handed him the bills

"Touché" Jeongguk showed a small smirk while giving back the change

"Enjoy your meal Mr. Kim"

The brunette just gave him a look before turning on his back and deciding that he'll just eat in his apartment

When he's finally out of the store, he can still feel the stare the younger gave him, it either lingered on him or the other is still staring at him

Either way, he still looked back only to find the ravenette smirking and waving him goodbye

For some reason, he felt flustered and immediately walked away from that store

The kid amuses him in so many ways and he can't help but to appreciate the younger's hard working skills.

He can't help but to be amused of the boy


Time to cram :((

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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