The man from the sky

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It was a decently warm day. I was laying on a blanket on the lawn. The sun was beating down on me. With a book in my hand I read for hours. My dark brown hair started to whip my face as the wind sped up. The sky was getting dark. I better get inside now. But I watch the clouds, they aren't storm clouds, they are different. I watch them. They gather and a loud bang sounds. I fall to the ground. It looks like a person falling to the ground. The wind stops and the sky clears. I rub my eyes, I must be dreaming. I get up and rub the grass off my shorts. I take a quick look at the field, a blue flash shows. What the? I run and put my stuff in the house and jump on the quad. The engine roars to life as I put it in gear. I speed off into the field. The grass is tall, and the ride bumpy, but I rush to the place where the light came from. When I get there I see a helmet on the ground. I stop and turn off the quad. I get off the quad and walk towards the helmet. I pick it up. The helmet is gold, and it has two curled horns coming out of the top. It's perfect. I look around, then I see black hair. I lay the helmet on the seat of my quad and walk towards the black hair. When I push some grass away, I see a man laying on the ground. Oh my gosh! I did see a man fall. I kneel down beside him. He is comepletly knocked out. In his hand, there is a staff with a blue light coming from it. Who could this person be? I got to get him to the house and make sure he is okay. So I place my hands under his torso and lift him. His hand lets go of the staff. He is light. I place him on the back seat of my quad and go back for the staff. I lift it. It's sleek under my fingers, and I don't like the look of it. It looked like it held a dangerous power. I walk back to the quad and take the helmet and place it on the man's head. I start the quad and race home. He doesn't wake, even if the field is bumpy as hell. When I get back to the house I lift him up again, but this time he stirs in my arms. Oh god, what is he going to think when someone is holding him? His eyes start to open and he lifts up his head. He stares at me for a second. His eyes are a stunning green. He doesn't let his stare off me. All of the sudden he looks around, then he looks down. He looks at me again and moves his legs towards the ground. "Where have you put my sceptor?" he asks. He glares at me. I keep my hold on his arm, but he tries to jerk it away. I bring him towards the quad and hand him his sceptor.

"Okay, since I just met you, I think we should at least get to know each other."  I tell him. "I am Mackenna."

He looks at me with curiosity. "I am Loki."

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