Frost Giant

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"Mother I need to speak to you," I call out to Frigga as I try to catch up to her. She stops and allows me to catch up to her. She puts her arm around me.
"What is the matter Loki?" She asks.
"I wish to marry Mackenna," I tell her. She grins. She leads me to her chambers. She goes directly to her chest. She takes out an emerald green velvet box. A little box, fit for a ring. She opened it to show a slight ring with a dark green gem embedded in the middle with diamonds surrounding it.
"This was the ring in which your father gave to me," she tells me as she places the little box in my hand. They start shaking as I clutch onto the box. As we walk out the chamber, I hear guards running towards Odin. I follow. When I enter the room many guards are gathered. Warriors are beginning to join. Two words float towards me 'frost giant.' My breath hitches in my throat.
"Frost Giants have entered Asgard." I hear one of the men say. Panic spreads through the crowd.
"SILENCE! We must remain calm. We shall destroy the Frost Giants that have entered Asgard, and we will assure that no more enter," Odin tells the crowd. Mackenna. I do not know where she is. With the little box remaining in my hand, I run throughout the palace.
"MACKENNA!" I yell out. My heart is beating hard. I keep searching.
"MACKENNA!" I yell once more.
"Loki!?" I hear her voice. I run towards it. She is in a room with Sif. Sif leaves soon as I come into her view.
"Mackenna, I was so worried," I hide the box in my pocket.
"Why where you worried?" She asks walking towards me and taking my hand.
"Frost Giants have entered Asgard," I tell her. She gasps. Then she stares at me. She has a questioning look on her face. I know what she is thinking in that very moment.
"Mackenna, I wouldn't join them. I may be one of them, but I have you," I explain to her. She nods. After about an hour, Odin declares that they have destroyed the Frost Giants that had come to Asgard. I sigh a sigh of relief. I take Mackenna on a walk to her favourite spot. She adores the very spot where we had lay one night in the vineyard. It was an open little spot that had the softest grass. I make an illusion of the most beautiful flowers. She grins when she sees them. She walks towards them. I make another illusion of little light bugs. She is distracted so I go down on one knee and pull out the ring. I make the bugs form a sentence. 'Turn around' she does. Mackenna sees me down on my knee.
All in one moment my life crashes. Just as she had seen the ring, a Frost Giant makes an appearance behind her. She sees my distraught face and turns around. The Frost Giant grins an evil grin. Mackenna was at the side of me. All in one second the Frost Giant throws a spear shaped chunk of ice at me, and Mackenna jumping in front of its path. I watch in horror as the spear hits her in the stomach.
"NO!" I scream. I drop the ring and stand. My breaths are long and hard. Mackenna is still breathing. The Frost Giant is glaring at me. I allow the anger to well within me. My figure shudders as I turn myself into a Frost Giant. The anger is getting to a tipping point within me. All at one I release it and spikes of ice fly from me and impale the Frost Giant standing in front of me. I watch it fall. I run towards Mackenna. She is still alive. I pull the ice out of her. I let my cold, blue skin touch her.
"Loki, I will marry you," her breaths are uneven. I smile through the tears streaming down my face.
"I love you. Don't leave me. You can't, I won't allow it," I stutter at her. She smiles at me. She lifts her weakened hand up to my face and wipes away my tears. I put my hand on top of her own. A tear slides down her own face.
"I will never leave you. I will live for you," she mumbles. She takes my blue hand and traces the lines on it with her own. Her touch becomes lighter and lighter on my hand. The hand that is still on my cheek begins to fall.
"I will be with you forever Loki," she says right before her body goes limp.
"Mackenna. Mackenna? Don't do this. Come on, wake up. Mackenna?" I talk to her motionless body. I hear running footsteps behind me. Thor comes up behind me and lifts up Mackenna.
"I will not give up on her, she will live, I will make sure of it brother," he tells me and runs towards the palace leaving me alone with a pool of her blood. I scream as loud as I can. I have no reason to live anymore. Not without my Mackenna.

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