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After about a week of being in the hospital, the doctors sent me and Loki home. I had found out that the forrest I had been in was in Washington, D.C. Loki and I had been brought home in a S.H.I.E.L.D helicopter. Loki was covered in sweat. It was a long trip back to Canada. I fell asleep on Loki a few times. Each time I would wake to his startling green eyes looking at me. When the helicopter landed in my field, we were greeted by my mom and dad. I hadn't seen them in over a year. Mom had tears sliding down her cheeks and dad was trying to calm her down. I ran as fast as I could towards them, leaving Loki behind me. Dad wraps his huge arms around me. Tears spill down my cheeks. My dad stares at Loki. He doesn't look to happy when he looks at him. Mom nudges him, and they lead me towards my house. Loki trails behind us. I look back at him and hold my hand out towards him. He shakes his head. My parents bring me into the house and put me on the couch. This time Loki sits right next to me and holds my hand.
"Mackenna, we're sorry we haven't seen you in the last year. We've been super busy. But soon as we heard you went missing, we dropped everything and rushed here." Mom explains, tears still streaming down her face. My dad is still keeping his glare on Loki.
"Mackenna, you mind explaining who this is?" My dad asks.
"Mom, dad, this is Loki. We met a couple of months ago. And we've been super happy together." I explain. My dad nods and stands, holding his hand out towards Loki. Loki nervously stands and shakes my dad's hand. He sits again and grumbles to himself.
My mom makes us all supper and sits us all down. She prays.
"Lord, we thank you for all this wonderful food sitting on this table. We thank you for leading this bright young man towards our daughter. We thank you for keeping her safe and away from any new danger. Amen." She lifts her head and gestures us towards the food. We eat. It's just like when I was a kid. Warm, home cooked meals every night. After we finish, my mom does the dishes while the rest of us sit in the living room. I've never had my fake keg on for this long, so it starts to itch. I'm curled up in Loki's arms.
"Loki, you mind helping me with something?" I ask him.
"What for sweetie?" He replies. My dad grinds his teeth.
"Help me take my leg off. It's starting to really bug me." I sit up and so does Loki. I walk towards my room with him. I sit on the bed, while Loki carefully takes off the leg. The doctors had showed him how. It's a relief when it is off my little stump of a leg. He lays it on my dresser. He comes back and lifts me up, bringing me back to the living room. He places me on the couch. I chat with my parents until ten at night. When my mom sees me yawn she gets up.
"Time to go to bed." She says. I just thought of this. There is only my bedroom and the spare.
"We'll head to town to get a room." Mom tells me.
"Oh no. Stay here. It's fine." I tell her.
"Okay, we'll stay, but where is Loki going to sleep?" My dad asks. This ticks me off a little.
"With me." I tell him. I feel Loki stiffen. My mom nods and heads to bed. Loki lifts me toward my room. He waits outside of the room while I change. When I finish I call him in. I'm already curled up under my blankets. He uses his magic to change right in front of me. He pulls the blanket away and lays down. He wraps his arm around my waist, and we fall asleep. The smell of lilacs are slowly returning to him. I dream wonderful dreams.
Loki brings me dancing. I have a flowing gown. There is no fake leg. I am whole. But then James appears. He has a whip. He beats down Loki and just before he whips me, I wake. I scream. Loki is staring at me in the dark. There is sweat beading down my face. I'm shaking. I can hear someone knocking at the door. Loki gets up and opens the door. It's my dad.
"What did you do to her, Loki?" He asks. He shoves Loki against the wall. Loki looks at me with desperation.
"Dad! He didn't do anything to me. I just had a bad dream!" I yell at him. He releases Loki.
"You do anything to my daughter boy, and you're going to regret it for the rest of your life." He warns before leaving my room. Loki locks the door before joining me in the bed. I kiss him. Once again we fall asleep.

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