Chapter 25- Is this the Game?

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As the purple faded away, my eyes adjusted to see I was in the California Institute. It was pretty similar to the New York Institute but a little bigger in size, the halls much longer. As I stood enjoying the view I felt something cold hit my hand. Looking down a beautiful golden retriever licked my hand. I chuckled petting the soft pup.

"You new to California too?" I looked up seeing a guy my age smiling back at me, a bag hanging off his shoulder.

"Kinda. I lived here before I knew I was a Shadowhunter. I'm Lynn McCall," I held my hand out to him.

"Phoenix Black, I'm from the Florida Institute," He explained as I noticed he had the dog's leash around his wrist.

"Who is this pup?" I asked looking down at the smiling golden.

"This is my golden retriever, Lance. He's named after my brother," he explained as I noticed a small look of sadness. "He always goes after the girls, sometimes it's hard to control him," he teased smirking at me. I scoffed.

"You sure that's Lance's fault or your own impulses?" I questioned noticing the flirty attitude in him. He chuckled.

"Lynn?" We looked down the hall, I stood shocked recognizing the woman standing at the end of the hall.

"Mom?" I ran to her dropping my bags and hugging her as my eyes watered.

"Oh my sweet little girl," my mom said holding my head as I buried my face in her shoulder. "Look at you." We pulled back as she held my face. "I knew you would find out."

"Why didn't you tell me? Did Magnus?" I asked as I held my mother's arms.

"I had to protect you from everyone else." I looked at her confused.

"Wait is dad? Scott?" I asked confused.

"No, your father is a mundane, and Scott didn't show any of the signs. You are the only Shadowhunter other than me," she explained. I smiled pulling her in for another hug. I opened my eyes in shock.

"Wait are you actually a nurse?" I questioned as she chuckled.

"We have a lot to talk about, honey." She grabbed one of my bags as I grabbed the other. "Let me explain to both of you." I looked over my shoulder to see Phoenix waiting patiently.

"Happy reunion," he said as we followed my mom. Walking down a hall and into an office.

"To answer your question, Lynn, yes I am still a nurse. Our base is actually the lower basement of the hospital in Beacon Hills," My mom explained walking around a desk with her name tag on the front. Phoenix and I took a seat in front of the desk.

"So this is why you were sometimes late," I commented leaning back in the chair.

"Yes. My name is Melissa McCall, I am the main nurse and help run this Institute with Bobby Finstock."

"Coach?!" I questioned shocked.

"The prodigy Lynn has returned," Mr. Finstock aka Coach walked in the room with a smile. Still wearing sweatpants and his coach shirt.

"Is this why you always annoy my brother? He isn't a Shadowhunter?" I questioned sitting up and leaning my arms on my knees.

"I will not lie to you. Mostly, yes," he answered standing next to my mom. I rolled my eyes.

"Both of you, yes you Mr. Black," my mom said as Phoenix lifted his head up from his phone. "Have been given a mission to figure out these killings. You along with Mr. Blalely. All of you will be going to Beacon Hills highschool to be undercover and find out what is happening. You will report to me or Mr. Finstock."

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