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Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood.

 If you're reading this because you think you might be one, my advice is: close this book right now. Believe what-ever lie your mom or dad told you about your birth, and try to lead a normal life.Being a half-blood is dangerous. 

It's scary. Most of the time, it gets you killed in painful, nasty ways.If you're a normal kid, reading this because you think it's fiction, great. Read on. I envy you for beingable to believe that none of this ever happened.But if you recognize yourself in these pages-if you feel something stirring inside-stop readingimmediately. 

You might be one of us. And once you know that, it's only a matter of time before theysense it too, and they'll come for you.Don't say I didn't warn you.

since you already know my name but just in case my name is Percy Jackson.I'm 13 years old and 2 months ago I going on a field trip with my Jefferson private  school or trouble school.I'm I a trouble  kid you can say that I have been kicked out of 7 schools ether I got into a fight or did something on accident I can tell you everything what had at each school.

In forth  grade we went to a behind-the-scenes tour of the Marine Shark pool. He hit the wrong level and the class took a unplanned swim.Then in fifth grade we went to the Saratoga battlefield. I was messing around with the Revolutionary War cannon and hit the school bus and four that I got expelled.But this trip I had high hopes because Mr.Bummer was leading this trip was I so wrong,but we were going to look at a Greek museum plus he is the only class that didn't cause me to go to sleep.

There was this other teacher called Mrs. Dodds she hated me but I learned that most teachers hate me. As we walked into the museum there was a SECURITY GUARD at the double doors something was weird about him when he saw me he glared at me and he mumbled this "He his the one that I'm are looking for".

Like normal I didn't worry about it I should have and I should have told Mr.Bummer about what had happened when I passed him by the door. as passed old pottery and stuff like that I was wondering how all this stuff survived for million maybe gillion years but we had to cut our trip short because they was a another SECURITY GUARD by a sign that said  contrition on so we went out to eat but when I hit the door the SECURITY GUARD stopped and told me to come with him like normal I just followed but what gt weird was that we went to the area the had contrition.

when we got there the  SECURITY GUARD was making a weird sound from deep inside is throat "tell where is it if you do you will surfer less".

"what I didn't taking thing I swear"

"don't lie we know who you are"  

i was about to say something but Mr.Bummer came in and said "ho ha Percy take this" he tossed a pen that he use a lot.When I caught it was Mr.bummers favorite sword that he uses  every Friday.the  SECURITY GUARD wasn't a SECURITY GUARD anymore he was this thing with bat like wings and it came flying at me screeching at I had thing to do that was swing at. When I swing at it  priced the skin I like it was butter  and it turned sulfur  and you can smell sulfur the sword was back into a pen and Mr.bummer was outside reading.I walked up to him and he looked up and said "oh Percy I see my pen can I have it back please" 

I asked Grover where SECURITY GUARD  was.He said, "Who?"

 But he paused first, and he wouldn't look at me, so I thought he was messing with me.

 "Not funny, man," I told him. "This is serious." 

Thunder boomed overhead. 

I saw Mr. Bummer sitting under his red umbrella, read-ING his book, as if he'd never moved.I went over to him.He looked up, a little distracted.

 "Ah, that would be my pen. Please bring your own writing utensil in thefuture, Mr. Jackson."I handed Mr. Bummer his pen. I hadn't even realized I was still holding it.

 "Sir," I said, "where's SECURITY GUARD?"He stared at me blankly. "Who?""The SECURITY GUARD that was at the front of the museum ." He frowned and sat forward, looking mildly concerned. "Percy, there is SECURITY GUARD at the front of museum. As faras I know, there was never one. Are you feeling all right?"

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