Day 4: Top 4 Tweets

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1: Tweet: #GBomb -Hbomb Tweet

Picture: Graser and Hbomb irl

Reason for favorite: This was the very first picture I saw of Graser irl and I was crying because GBomb was united. It was a very emotional day :)

2: Tweet: Here's The Cube meetup thingy -Graser Tweet

Picture: Had the list of people attending Pax

Reason for Favorite: This meant that it was official who was going to Pax and that Graser was going. Pax ended up being the best time of the year for most of the fandom.

3: Tweet: Why am I trending lolwtf -Graser Tweet

Picture: Had a list of worldwide trends on Twitter and the word Graser was trending

Reason for Favorite: This gave Graser a real showing of how much the fandom cares for him. His fame started rising as well and it caught people off guard. I was very proud of him that day.

4: Tweet: Guess whose back!!!1 -Graser Tweet

Picture: Kermit, back on The Cube after being gone for over 2 months

Reason for Favoriting: Kermit was gone for over two months and it depressed me because I thought he was permanently gone and he finally came back and it made me super happy to hear the news.

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