a dreadful birthday

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A\N hope you like the book I'm a huge fan of miraculous :)

*ring *ring marinettes alarm clock started to ring,marinette tries to block out the sound by pressing a pillow on her head but the alarm doesn't stop that's when she realizes it's her birthday, she was kinda excited  because on your 15th birthday you grow wings it's like a butterfly type of thing, during the night a cocoon wraps around you and transforms you into a winged human (it's less weirder than it sounds) it's supposed to match your personality or something AND it gives you a power something like....ability to control objects like her mother.  AND IT'S HER 15TH BIRTHDAY she can't wait to see them, but realization structs when she doesn't feel anything on her back she checks and...... nothing, she DOES NOT HAVE WINGS, she panics "what if they fell off during sleep,no that's impossible, what if they're really small" she checks again and again...... nothing she doesn't have wings, tears threaten to spill  but she quickly stops them (if that's possible) "no, marinette you promised yourself that you wouldn't cry, ever"she puts on a black hoodie and some baggy pants (cause she doesn't want to stand out in school and to cover up the bruises on her arms) and goes downstairs. her mother sees her disappointed face and notices that her wings are non existent "what a disappointment" "good morning to you too mother" sabine's snarky comments no longer bothered her she was used to it by now, she went to grab a bowl for cereal but her mother stopped her " wouldn't want to get fatter now do we?" "yes mother" she said as she grabbed her bag and walked to school 30 minutes early the janitors opened the school on 8am so going to school was no problem, for some odd reason humans prefered walking instead of flying everywhere of course they used their wings but they still walked, she got into the empty classroom and sat down on her chair in the back row, she'd rather sit alone in the back then sit in the front with cocky chloe, (class was starting in 15 minutes by now) minutes passed as students filled the room, her head was on her desk while rethinking every decision she has ever made  when commotion snapped her out of her thoughts it was the classes favourite trio: adrien,nino and alya she cringed at the names because she hated them for their popularity they hadn't done anything wrong or bad but she just didn't like them,they had already gotten their wings and marinette was a little jealous alyas wings were orange which gave her the power of illusions ,adriens were black with the power of destruction and ninos were a dark green which gave him the power of protection(fun fact juleka has the power of silence so she can make anyone shut up so when the class got a little too loud the teacher would make juleka shut them up), alya was blabbering about the identities of the Paris' heroes and adrien was trying to argue with her with no avail, to be honest marinette thought adrien was quite handsome but thought of him as a spoiled daddy's boy, speaking of daddy's boys chloe walked in after them, when she saw marinette she grinned and said: 

marinettes pov

"what a (not) surprise! dupain cheng hasn't gotten her wings!" she said loud enough for everyone in the room to hear "oh wait, it's not a surprise after all, you are such a nobody that even the universe didn't want to waste a pair of wings and left you without them" she said as she snorted everyone's attention was on me now I just shrugged and ignored her comment the trio looked at me with worried faces, for some reason if I heard her making fun of someone I always stood up for them but when it came to me I didn't even care, even tho it seemed that I didn't care deep inside it hurt, slowly the attention that made me uncomfortable a few moments ago was gone, nobody ever talked to me and I liked it that way but some parts of me were sad that nobody even tried, even rose the friendliest girl in the class

"everybody settle down" said miss bustie "and congratulate marinette because it's her 15th birthday" the room fell silent ouch I didn't think if today could go any wrong guess I was wrong "everyone congratulate her NOW" she said now serious no one even flinched "it's ok miss bustie don't force them I'd rather have no one congratulate me rather than a "congratulations" that they don't mean" I said with a straight face everyone looked and me and chloe snickered and said "yeah because no one cares for you" sabrina snickered behind her "ouch" kim said "thats enough chloe! go to the principal's office NOW! this class will not tolerate bullying" said miss bustie chloe glared at me and I gave her a smug look

~on lunch break~

I was sitting alone at an empty table as always as I watched the scene unfold: mylene was walking to her table with a tray of the disgusting food that we were forced to eat by the cafeteria chloe and sabrina walked by her and smacked the 'food' out of her hands by now my body was tense ready to come to the rescue of the poor girl "wouldn't want to get fat now do we?" chloe said snarkily I heard those eight words every day I wasn't going to let someone else suffer because of them I stood up and stomped over to them "oh here comes maritrash to the rescue"    "really chloe that's the best you could come up with?" everyone in the cafeteria was now looking at us but I wasn't about to let my anxiety make me chicken out of this one "sorry but I don't talk to nobodies who get ignored by everyone even by the universe I mean even mylene has a pair an ugly one but still oh  and don't get me started on the first period no one congratulated you on your birthday not even her" she said and pointed to mylene "and you still choose to be a pathetic 'hero' for her? hah pathetic utterly pathetic" "THAT'S ENOUGH CHOLE even if she didn't  congratulate me doesn't mean I should get my 'revenge' that has NEVER  solved any problems and also it's none of your darn business what and how much she eats, at least she doesn't get starved by her parents' LIKE ME"everyone looks and me amused I then cover my mouth with my hands and mentally curse, chloe lets out a soul poisoning laugh and says "when I thought you couldn't get anymore pathetic" that was enough I didn't let any more words leave her poison filled mouth as I slapped her face with all my strength she stumbled and fell on her ass the crowd that formed around us were yelling "fight"and with that chloe stood up and tried to hit me when she failed she grabbed my hair that is until the trio broke us up alya was holding chloe back and adrien was holding me back if you can call it that he had his arms wrapped around me trying to hold me back when it reality I was just standing there like an idiot and nino was trying to calm the crowd down we got interrupted by one of the teachers calling to me and chloe saying "go to the principal's office NOW" I obligated but chloe swung at me and the trio had to break us up again adrien said "we'll escort them there", the walk to the principal's office was silent except for a few times when chloe tried to swing at marinette, when they got there the principal called their parents "marinette dupain-cheng i'm very disappointed in you! picking fights? that's not something you would do normally"marinette sat there listening to the principal talking and when she glanced up a few times she could see the disapproving faces of her parents "and.. because you don't normally do this i'll let you off with a warning" I could feel the relief washing over my face "but you will go home now" my face fell and my expression said it all but turns out no one notised 

A\N so... I hope you liked it I will update as much as I can but no promises! also english isn't my first language so if there are any mistakes let's blame them on that

1450 words, not bad 

~bug out

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