Chapter 10

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💛the closest ones always hurt you the most💛

letting me go from his embrace i finally saw his face. It was Sehun... i was relieved when i saw him but something inside felt disappointed that it wasn't Baekhyun.

"I'm sorry god, I am so sorry. Please don't be mad at me. Let's never fight again" he said and i could see tears forming up in his eyes. Before I said anything I thought... wow does he really like me this much?

"I'm not mad at you" I finally spoke and Sehun wiped my tears and we both went inside my apartment. I sat on my couch and he sat right next to me. The next few moments were silent. Neither of us spoke. We just sat in complete silence. Maybe that was good.

"What do you wanna do?" Sehun finally broke the silence running fingers through his hair. "Sehun... do you notice that we're not like all the couples? We've been dating for a month almost and we still act like we just met. We have so much awkwardness between us." I finally managed to say what i've been thinking about.

"We're awkward but... i like it. I like that you're not like the rest of the girls... different is good." he said and it made my heart beat like crazy.

"Let's binge a tv show" I blurted out suddenly and I saw him smile.

We settled and I put on the first season of "Friends".

We watched 4 full episodes in complete silence. And I suddenly asked "Are you hungry?" to which he replied yes. I paused the tv show and we went to the kitchen.

"Let's bake cookies" he said " that's what couples do". I replied with okay and i grabbed the ingredients which he searched up online.

"Okay, so what's first?" i asked ready to start. "Grab a bowl and put half of the flour inside" he said.

"Okay" I took the bowl and put the flour inside. Suddenly Sehun grabbed a handful of flour and threw it all over me. I screamed and Sehun laughed.

"Oh my god" I looked at my white face, my hair and clothes. I threw flour back at him and we both laughed. He started to chase me and I ran around the table. Laughter and screams echoed in my apartment and i noticed...we weren't awkward anymore. We were happy.

Sadly he caught me and lifted me up in his arms. We smiled so brightly making eye contact and he said...

"I love you. No matter how insane, awkward, abnormal and weird we are together" I looked at him  and thought about what to say.

I opened my mouth to speak when he kissed me. It was passionate and not like those other kisses we've had. He put me down slowly and we went upstairs in my bedroom.

He kissed me again, pinning me against the wall. Clothes were thrown and taken off... and you know what happened next.

But little did i know... Baekhyun was right outside my apartment.

The story gets fcked up from here.

AN: Sorry for late update but i've had drama in my life these past weeks. Guys please vote comment n support this story. Ty for reading btw💞 Baekhyun chapter coming soon

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