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This takes place during Kevin's day with godzilla and mothra.

"Great" godzilla says at the breakfast table. "What's the matter?" Mothra replies with eyes filled with interest.

"Today is career day, that mean we'll have to listen to all those people their father's complain about their job" godzilla says while releasing a huge sigh.

"What are you wining about?" Mothra says "you don't have parents" mothra stops for a second and stares at godzilla on regrett.

"I'll let it pass" he says "oh thank god" mothra says in relief. She looks at the hallway and sees Kevin walking towards the table "what are we gunna do for Kevin?" Mothra asked "I mean we kinda addopted him at this point". "Don't worry" godzilla says with a smirk "I have a plan".

The three head to class, Kevin tries to survive the hours of listening to the people their parents. It's just so boring!

But when one father leaves, the next one doesn't show up. "Well" the teacher says "I guess it's time for kevin's father.... godzilla?".

Suddenly godzilla walks in with a fake beard and a hat. "Wtf" Kevin mumbles to himself.

"hear my now children!" Godzilla says "for my occupation is of much import! For 36 years I've been the alfa! A king some have called me. Now I hear you asking, what does a king do? The answer... CRUSH YOUR ENIMIES! MAKE THEM REGRETT THEY WERE EVER BORN"

"Wow straight into he dirt" the teacher says "if the children were to follow a career in... the alfa. Which traits would suit them well?". "Being king is not for the weak!" Godzilla continues "it is mother nature's milk and only the strong may suck on its teet! You hear me! Only the strong may... look at me Kevin! Look at me boy! Look at your father!"

"Wow" the teacher says "now being a king must be pretty lucrative.." "MONEY HAS FEW TO DO WITH IT KAREN!" Godzilla says "it is about the domination of the mind! And there will be compitition! One man came close to breaking me! His name was ghidorah! He did not succeed, he once flew high in the sky, with not a worry in his head in bloody defiance of it's gifts..... AND THEN I RETURNED HIM TO EARTH! NAKED AND DEFEATED! AND CRUSHED HIM INTO THE GROUND! MAKING HIM REGRETT HE WAS EVER BORN! I MARRIED YOUR GRANDDAUGHTER! FILLED HER BELLIE WITH MY FESTERING SEED! AND SIRED A BOY! HE IS MY FINAL REVENGE!".

Suddenly a kid start clapping and shouts "I wanna be like you when I grow up".

"AND SO YOU SHALL!" Godzilla shouts "now children I've been asked to bring healthy refreshments some come boing me in the hall for swine livers and caprisun"

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