running away

393 13 2

There you were running in the middle of the night into the Forest when you hear your ex yell in the back ground "Y/N GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE RIGHT NOW". You didn't answer you just keep on running into the night you soon realized that I put were lost in the cold dark Forest. Then you hear some one yelling " GO GET THAT SON OF A BITCH BUBBA!!!"

Leatherface pov:

Drayton just yelled at me to go are dinner since she escape I Rev up my chainsaw just in time to see here trip and get caught in a bear trap. I run up to her and I cut her right in half her blood goes all over the place. Then I see someone in the Forest looking at the scene.

Y/n pov:

D-did I really just see a girl get killed by that man with the chainsaw and that leather mas- wait that not leather THAT FUCKING HUMAN SKIN.

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