running away part 2

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Y/N pov :
OH NO IS HE LOOKING AT ME??!! . You duck down as fast as you can but he had already seen you.

Leatherface pov :
I seen a girl/guy duck to hide from me I looked to see Drayton walking over to me with nubbins. "Great job bubba" Drayton says as he pick up a half of her body " Y-y-yeah! Bubba you s-s-sure fucked h-her up!!!" Nubbins said. "You two stop fucking around and help me!!!", I pick up the other half of the girls body and I look into the tree(I think idk) to see that the girl/guy was still looking over at us.

Y/n pov: I watch and listen very closely to hear about what they are saying oh how in the hell am I gonna get out of this, I feel a wave of pain wash over my body I look down to see blood I seen that a fucking bear trap got caught in my legs. "How the hell did I not see this earlier!?" I said to myself. I looked over to see that the family or whatever they were where gone I try to get up but they pain got worse I knew what I had to do but I could be killed. I drag myself over to their house after what seem like forever I got to their house I crawled over to their door. "Here goes nothing" I said as I knocked on the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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