Chapter 4

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Kyle's P.O.V

I'm both hurt and confused at Stans action the other night,I was ready to tell him off. But my therapist told me to control my anger even with people I hate.

So I kept quite Kenny texted me that night asking how our 'date' was I just sent him a vomiting emoji then went to bed. I really thought that tonight would be the night that me and Stan got along again.

But another fucking mistake on my part how could I believe the guy who was supposed to be my Best friend would come back after the way he left?

I cry into my pillow as I drift to sleep...

I wake up from a nightmare gasping for air. I couldn't remember the nightmare but my sheets where soaked with sweat so it must have been bad. The nightmares started around the time Stan left me.

My therapist told me I Relied on Stan so much that my mind went into panic mode with out him. I told him to fuck off

But that night I realized he was right, so I did the best I could to avoid him. I normally changed classes if I was with him or if someone talked about him I quickly changed the subject.

But last night made me realize that Stan is like a drug,you can't stay away. I get out of bed reluctantly and pull on a shirt and some black pants

Therapist:where clothes that make you feel confident

I recite his words then walk down stairs Ike is in the kitchen spreading butter on toast.

"Hey can I use a butter knife?"


He gets a key from his pocket and opens a Cabinet that has a lock on it,Mom and dad had to do that because they found out I was hurting myself.

Ike gets me a butter knife,I thank him and start toasting the butter

Stans P.O.V

I'm Determined to tell Mr.Garrison that me and Kyle can't be partners anymore. After that shock of feeling I realized that I can't be anywhere near Kyle.

I got a call last night telling me to stay away or else. I try to explain but then he hangs up on me I panic a little,I enter the school I see Kenny pushing Butters up against the wall.

I shutter still not use to them together. I turn my eyes over to Kyle talking to Tweek. We make eye contact I quickly turn away walking to Mr.Garrisons class early.

I walk in to find him pouring whisky into his coffee I role my eyes and take my seat across from him. "Mr.Garrison i need to switch partners"

Mr.Garrison glared at me rubbing his brow, "Jesus Stan please just deal with this project Kyle is good for you,and you know it you only have two months of high school left and you are so close to failing my class"

I looked down hating that he was correct. I sigh placing my hands on my face. I take my hat off and run my fingers through my hair I sigh. I look at Mr.Garrison he's waiting for me to talk back I know it because he's known me all my life.

Headcanon -Mr.Garrison actually cares about the kids lol

I stand up and leave with out any more words. I leave to room I see Ken I have and walk over to him. "Hey dude" Kenny wraps his arms around me "how are you? Dude?"

" honestly? I don't know... "


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