The talk

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Ok, so here goes nothin.

----Chat Noire's POV----

After bringing all of the citizens in the area to safety, I landed back on the roof and asked what the plan was. She turned to me and said, "We go down there and kick some Akuma butt." I give her my signature grin as we hop down from the rooftop and onto the street below.

"Hey Shady, how's the weather over there? I think you could use a little sunshine."

Ok, I'll admit, that wasn't one of my best taunts that I have come up with, but I have come up with worse before. Anyways, my bad name calling aside, we leaped into action.

~~~~time skip because I don't feel like figuring out how they beat this guy, plus I don't have the time to figure it out, sorry.~~~~

----Adrian's POV----

I finally made it back to the school just in time for the last class of the day. Marinette and I didn't get to talk anymore because right after class, I had a photo shoot to get to. Sometimes my life sucks.

When I got home, I did something that I rarely do. I was so tired that I took a nap. It was another dream of Ladybug and me. I've been having them frequently since the battle with Oblivio. From what I have been able to gather, they seem to be memories of the fight, memories that were erased afterward. Every time I get one of these dreams, it feels like the world makes sense in my dream. Like there is something that I am supposed to know that I know in the dream, but when I wake up, it's fuzzy again. It's so frustrating, feeling like there is something important that I need to know and can't remember.

The dreams have been happening more and more lately. They are starting to happen every night. I think that I need to talk to Ladybug about them during the next time we have patrol. I need to know if she is having them too. Maybe we can figure this out together.

----Marinette's POV----

The rest of school went by pretty fast, considering there was only one class left by the time I got back. I was honestly grateful for it. I didn't know how much longer I could go without talking to Tikki. I had forgotten to last night because I was so exhausted after all that happened, but today, I was finally going to talk to her.

When school was done, Alya decided to walk home with me. I didn't mind because we tended to walk together to my house after school anyway; it is on the way home for her. (Don't know if that is actually true or not, I'm just making that up.) We chatted about how Kitty Section was doing, and when Jagged Stone would be performing in Paris again. Thankfully she stayed away from the topic of yesterday; I did not want to be talking about my arm again.

When I got up to my room, I pulled out a cookie for Tikki and then told her to explain because I didn't know how much longer I could go, not knowing before I would explode!

"Ok, ok, calm down, Marinette. One question at a time."

"How were you able to speak into my mind while I was Ladybug yesterday?"

"Well, sometimes once a miraculous holder has a strong enough bond with their Kwami, they can communicate even while transformed. That is why I couldn't do so before."

"Ok, I guess that makes sense. How were you able to make it so that I could move my broken shoulder without causing any harm to it?"

"That one is a little more difficult to explain, but to simplify it, let's just say it has to do with the magic of the miraculous. Any kwami can do it if their owner really needs it. That's also how you are able to withstand such strong blows while you are Ladybug."

I sighed, it wasn't really the answer I was looking for, but it kind of made sense.

"Ok, one last question before I get started on my homework. Do you know anything about my dreams at all?"

"I'm sorry Marinette, I do not know very much. I can tell you that it is not the first time it has happened to a miraculous holder. Usually, it happens when the magical ladybugs haven't been able to erase a memory completely that it should have. I don't entirely know how it happens, but from what I have seen in the past, it happens when a person's will to remember is so strong, that the miraculous ladybugs are unable to erase the memory, only bury it deep in their subconscious."

I stood there shocked, not knowing what to say. So these dreams were memories from a battle, most likely with Oblivio since neither Chat or I could remember it, and not only that, but I still had these dreams because I had literally willed myself to remember. How was that even possible? I don't understand, ugh, trying to figure this out is giving me a headache.

"Why don't you talk with Chat Noire about it. Maybe talking about it will give you some clarification."

"Ok, thanks, Tikki. I'll talk to him next time we have patrol together. For now, I have homework to do, and even though I would like to put it off, if I don't get it done now, I could end up trying to study, and then having an Akuma attack suck up all my time."

So I did my homework, to my dismay, it was dinner time by the time I was done. I sighed and went down to dinner with Mom and Dad. It was another difficult meal and then off to bed. Thankfully I didn't have patrol tonight, Chat, and I rotated and had a few scheduled patrol nights where the both of us patrolled together. We both still need our sleep, after all.

Sorry guys, I know, not one of my best chapters, my mom has started getting on my case, and I don't know if I will be able to keep up with putting a chapter out every day anymore, *sigh*. I will do my best, but I can't make any promises.

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