Nino's POV

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Hey kittens, how's it going? I got a lot more reads while I was working on the other two books and now we are up to 82 views! We are so close to the 100 views goal! Can't wait to do the Q/A 😉 Ok now, back to the story.

----Nino's POV---
Once the door swung open, we saw both Alya and Marinette staring at the door. They must have heard the handle. Of course no surprise, Marinette started blushing as soon as she saw Adrian. I still don't know how that boy can't see that she like him.

"Adrian, are you ok? Are you sure you should be walking right now? Did you get approval from the doctor? How are..."

Adrian looked back at me, pleading for help. I gave him a sympathetic look, but there was nothing I could do. Until Alya got out all her questions, there would be no room to speak. After a minute or two, the questions finally ended, and Alya gave Adrian time to respond.

"Chill Alya, I'm perfectly fine and..."

"PERFECTLY FINE! We saw you being rolled away to the back, unconscious. HOW CAN YOU BE FINE!?"

"Alya, I know you have a lot of questions, but save them until after I explain instead of interrupting me every time. I am sure my explanation will answer most if not all of your questions."

I could hear how dead serious he was; it was like a whole other person was in control right now. That person was strong, and a leader, and caring to a fault. Nah, what am I saying, he's still Adrian, he's just worried about Marinette. Marinette! I should look over and see how she's doing! I got too distracted with Alya's pestering of Adrian.

I look over at Marinette, this time taking the time to look her over. Her jacket was laying to the side, torn and blood-soaked on the left side. Marinette had a bandage completely covering that shoulder and a sling to keep her am steady.

How the heck was Marinette the one that was still conscious when nothing at all was wrong with Adrian!?

I tune into their conversation just in time to figure out that Adrian had finished explaining everything from our perspective.

"Yeah, sorry about that, my phone died right as Nino sent the message and I forgot my charger this morning. I still have one question, though."


"You said that the doctor said that nothing was wrong with you, so why on earth did you pass out?"

"I don't know." He shrugged his shoulder. "Maybe my last memory before passing out can help us figure it out. But let's talk about this later. I want to check on Marinette and see how she's doing."

"Oh, of course, go ahead."

Adrian walked over to Marinette and started talking to her. Asking her questions, apologizing and such. Maybe Marinette can help us all figure out what happened to Adrian. But right now, I think Alya needs me.

"How are you doing right now, Alya?"

"I don't know; I think I'm still in shock. I haven't really processed anything yet."

I went over to the chair and gestured for her to scoot over. She obliges, and I sit down next to her in the chair. I tap my shoulder, letting her know that she can lean on it and rest. She is happy to lay her head on my shoulder, and I begin stroking her hair to comfort her.

It doesn't take long before she falls asleep on my shoulder just like she did earlier. This has been an exhausting day for everyone.

I decided to check on Marinette and Adrian because I suddenly realize how quiet it is in the room. There is no more talking, just breathing, as if everyone is asleep.

I pull my eyes away from Alya to be met with a very surprising sight for my eyes. Marinette wasn't in the same position anymore; she was rolled over a little, to where she was almost laying on her right side. That part wasn't too shocking, but what was really mind-boggling is that Adrian was next to her with his arm wrapped around her, sleeping as well.

I didn't even know my bro had the guts to do that! He actually laid in the same bed as her. I wonder how it happened? I wish I could've seen the look on her face when he laid down in bed with her. I bet she was as red as Nathaniel's hair.

A small chuckle escaped my lips. To someone who doesn't know the whole story, this would look pretty bad. *Internally dying of laughter*

You know, I wish I knew exactly what happened, he might not have even asked her for all I know, he may have just waited till she was asleep. *even more internal laughter*

I still can't believe my bro would do that. I hope, for their sake, that no one comes in and sees them like this.

I glance over at the clock and notice that it is already 9:00. Oh no, I didn't even think about needing to contact everyone's parents. I better get on that right now! First, I will text my mom, let her know everything that is going on. Then I need to get all of these guys awake to text their parents. Dang it, everyone is sleeping so peacefully too.

After I finish texting my mom, letting her know where I am, what happened, and that I'm ok; I start to wake up Alya. I hate to have to wake her up already; she has only been asleep for maybe half an hour. But I can't go and wake the other's up without waking her.

I gently shake her shoulder, "Alya," I whisper to her quietly. "I'm sorry, but you need to get up."

"mmnnnnn" I hear her moan

"Come on" I gently call to her as I begin lifting her head off of my shoulder.

She slowly wakes up, and then I explain to her what I realized and why I am waking her up.

"My phone's dead, remember."

"You can use my charger."

I hand her my charger so that she can plug in her phone to text her family. She is sitting there just staring at the phone. I gently grab her chin and lift her head; she looks up at me, confused. I want to kiss her right now, but now is not the right time or the right place, even if I am her boyfriend. So I continue to gently direct her gaze over to Marinette and Adrian on the bed. Seeing her expression is priceless. As soon as I let go of her chin, her jaw drops, then a few seconds later, it turns into a mixture of joy and mischief.

She looks back over to her phone, and I know exactly what she's planning. She's going to get pictures. Her phone is at 5%, so she hastily grabs it off the charger and rushes over to get pictures. She gets at least 50 of them.

"I wanted to get pictures before you woke them up," she says.

I simply chuckle at her excitement. Then she sits back down in the chair and plugs her phone back in. She then proceeds to contact her parents and explain everything to them.

Looks like it's time to wake the two love birds next.

Hey, kittens. Just wanted to let you know of 2 things, 1 the next few chapters might seem repetitive, but, I need to show it to you from every perspective, to fill in all the informational gaps. Also, and I am sad to say this, but this will be the last chapter, I will be able to get out before my surgery in this book. I will most likely be out of commission for at least a month. So, I guess I will see you in a little over a month my kittens.

Enjoy. ❤️

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