Chapter 8: The First Day

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Y/N: As of right now, I am, officially, bored.

The entrance exam was 3 days ago, that means I still have a couple of days to wait, even longer until classes actually start. The exam was interesting at least. It was definitely the most fun I've had since my fight with Mirio. But waiting is probably my most powerful enemy and unlike other things I don't like, I can't beat the shit out of it. I've got to do something before I die of boredom.

Then I heard my doorbell ring and I went to see who it was. I opened it to see All Might in a suit. I hadn't seen All Might that much over the last few months. He doesn't really show himself that often, and only seems to be seen a couple of hours each day. Maybe he’s busy getting ready for his job at UA or something.


Y/N: Woah! Ok, what is it.

All Might: Here you go young man.

He handed me an envelope with the UA symbol on it.

Y/N: Is this my results from the entrance exam?

All Might: Yes. You got them early because of how close you were to campus, and because of how well you did on both the written and physical exams, it was clear that you passed so we didn't have to do much work. I admire how you still wanted to take the exam even though you were offered to skip them. Why don't you open that envelope up!

I opened it and hologram device fell to the ground and a second All Might appeared in front of the real one.

Hologram All Might: HA HA HA! I AM HERE AS A RECORDING! Congratulations young Y/N for passing the entrance exam with flying colors. You scored the most out of avery examinee with 110 combat points.

(Y/N’s thoughts): So my math really was off.

Hologram All Might: That's not all! You were also scored in a different category, RESCUE POINTS! By saving or helping other examinees, you managed to score 80 rescue points. You are hereby fully accepted into UA. Young Y/N, welcome to your hero academia. *hologram disappears*

All Might: So what do you think?

Y/N: The hologram was a nice touch.

All Might: No I mean what do you think about all this. You know, being fully accepted into UA.

Y/N: I knew that I was going to get accepted for a while now. This just means that I can truly start my path to becoming a hero.

All Might: Yes, young Midoriya told me about your goals when you become a hero. That's a fine ambition to have; wanting to inspire others to be better and to show them what it truly means to be a hero.

Y/N: Midoriya? Wait, that green haired kid from the before? You know him?

All Might: Yes. I have been training young Midoriya for the last 10 months. He has also been accepted, you two will be in the same class together.

I looked at the letter that was also inside the envelope. It said that I would be in class 1A along with 21 other students.

All Might: Your class is pretty full this year, we usually only have 20 students but with you and miss Kaze joining we had to make some more room. (A/n: the seating arrangement is going to be weird, i'll try to explain it later.)

Y/N: Miss Kaze? Oh you mean Tempest. She is in class 1A too?

All Might: Of course. Miss Kaze scored the third highest on the exam, only beat by another student that will also be in class 1A, Katsuki Bakugo.

Y/N: Well that's good. When do classes start?

All Might: This monday.

Y/N:  Aw man. What am I supposed to do during that time?

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