Day 5

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Day 5:

8:45 am

"Hey" someone whispered, waking me from my deep sleep. "You awake?"
I opened my eyes, looking straight into those of Katie.
"I am now" I answered, not knowing whether to be angry at being awoken or happy that she took the time to wake me up.

"It's breakfast time"
I could see the fear in her eyes, it can't be easy for her all these mealtimes.
"I'm coming" i said. I needed to get up and face the day, even if it was just for Katie.

After breakfast she decided she was going to take me to meet the other girls and boys in the unit.

"It's gonna be okay you know?" she smiled at me and took my hand in hers, "they don't bite"
I smiled weakly at her and grabbed her hand tightly before walking in.

"Hey guys" she said, everyone turned to look towards us, making my anxiety levels rise.
"Hey" a girl of around 15 with red hair spoke. Her blueish green eyes staring at me but not with hate or spite but with kindness.
"That's Amy" Katie spoke, pointing to her while Amy gave a small wave at me with a smile on her face. I raised my hand to wave back but it dropped to my side before I could wave back. I dropped my head in shame, not being able to say hello to a seemingly nice girl had made my confidence drop even further into the minus numbers.
I looked up at her expecting to see anger and disappointment that I hadn't acknowledged her existence but she just had an encouraging Smile on her face.
Katie moved around the rest of the day room, introducing me to them all.
We spent the day talking about why we were all here.
There was a few girls with anorexia, bipolar, self harm and even psychosis. I learnt that I wasn't the only one who's mum had got sick of them and dumped them here. I felt at home here.
For the first time in my life I went to bed feeling like I had someone who was there for me.

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