II. - Ana

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*Reader's P.O.V.*

Running into the forest hadn't been one of your best ideas lately.

But with Yukino beeing as stupid as she was you didn't wan't to see neiter Sting nor Rogue getting all over her.

'Mostly not Rogue...'

Oh no, this was not going to happen to you. Falling for someone who didn't give a damn about what happened to and just had eyes for a certain ex-best friend...

'Damn it! Stop thinking about him or you'll end up falling into some hole and beeing rescued by Sting!"

Nope, so not going to happen.

After some time of running you slowed your pace down, seeing the beginning of two little roads with a sign saying:

'Humens, pleze take se laft wey.←
Trols take se rait wey.→'

You simply had to laugh at that.

So, it actually was trolls they were hunting and those trolls surely didn't read a lot of books. You took the way for trolls. Who in the seven hells could be dumb enough to even follow the way for humans.

*Rogue's P.O.V*

Of course we ran after (Y/N) but after a short time we lost her in the woods.

Yukino went back to beeing a scaredy-cat after we stopped, but Sting seemed to handle the situation by hugging her real tight.

Even if she didn't seem to want that hug.

After a while we hit two little paths with a sign telling humans to 'pleze take se laft wey' and trolls to 'take se rait wey'.

"I think we should go left," Yukino said.

"Yukino, she went the other way."

Sting turned around looking in my eyes with a gleam of anger.

He was expecting her to get upset about me telling her that she was wrong.

But she didn't.

"Yeah. I think Rogue-Sama is right."

I did not comment that. I didn't need another angry glare from Sting.

*Reader's P.O.V*

You were hiding in the shadows.

Something you had learned to do since Yukino dropped you.

The trolls, who did in some way really resemble pigs, were carrying cages around, in which there were humans trapped.

You had to do something about this.

Revealing yourself from the shadows you were running towards the multiple cages that were randomly standing around.


The cages opened making a swarm of humans run out of the trolls reach.

They surely had not expected anyone to interrupt whatever they were doing.

I acted fast taking each one of them down by using the weak spot trolls have and hit them there.

More than half of them were already down when another trolls appeared. Bigger and also fatter than the others.

It had to be their leader.


The troll leader fell to the floor with a loud thud and you thought your victory was already declared.

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