The Trashy College Party

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Todaaaaaaaaaaa *Does Cat from Victorious voice* 



Mona's POV

So Saturday rolled around amd Alex and I were getting ready to go to the mall for the party later. I was actually thinking of just wearing the usual black skinny jeans and a graphic tee but Alex thought other wise. I told him I wasnt wearing a dress and he didnt press the issue so I just thought about getting a pair of tye died skinny jeans and a graphic tee. Its basically the same thing as my usual outfit but you know its dofferent.

"Should I go with a bad boy look or a sweet amd innocent look?" Alex said turing around and doing his famous super model pose.

"Alex your gay is showing." I said laughing.

"When isnt it showing?" He said putting his arms on his waist. I laughes again and tuened aroumd. "Answer my question!!!"

"I turned back towards him and said, "how about a sweet and innocent bad boy." I said smiling at him.

"I love it!!!" He said yelling at me. I smiled at him. He is like the brother I never had.

"Come on so we can get our clothes." Alex said grabbing his jacket and his keys and dragging me out the house. I made sure I grabbed my wallet and my phone before we left.

At the mall...

We drove into tje parking lot of the big mall and parked. We walked into the mall and went straight to Hot Topic. I found this swaet shirt with the FOB Logo on it. I quickly looked at the price and saw it was only 20 something dollars. I sped walked to tje register and paid for it.

When I turned I saw Alex looking at these eyebrow peircings so I walked over and saw the glow in the dark peircing.

"Do you want that?" I asked smiling at him.

"Yea but I dont know which one I should get. I mean what im wearing is black but its also blue but the pericing isnt blue or black."

"Then don't get it." I said walking out the store withAlex right behind me.

We walked over to the comverse store and bought a shirt for him.

After we bought the rest of our outfit and went to the food court to by us some time.

"What do you want?" Alex said lookimg at all the restaurants.

"Ohhhhh!!!! Taco Bell." I literally dragged him to Taco Bell and stood in line.

As we waited we talked about random stuff and crap until I heard a fimiliar laugh. I looked around and tried to spot the curly headed boy and saw him sitting withthe other three by the McDonald's stand.

I smiled to myself. Gosh how much I miss them. Not saying I didnt like hanging our with Alex and Johnny, im just saying I miss talking and laughing with them.

"Hey! Mona! Come on were next." I heard Alex say poking my side. My head quickly snapped towards him and I slapped his arm.

"Dont poke me!" I said before telling the nice lady my order. After we waited for them to call it.

"Hey Alex im going to go and get a table okay?" I said as he nodded. I walked away and found a table and sat down. I looked back towards where Ashton was and saw he was still laughing with the guys. I smiled again and looked down. I pulled my phone out and turned it on. When I did I had noticed my background picture was still with tje guys and I when we went to the park. I quickly locked it and shoved it back into my pocket.

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