A New Friend

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Natalie knew from a young age that she was destined for greater things, her Papa had even told her so. And yet she still couldn't quite understand how she had gotten where she was today. Was it luck? Determination? No, it had been something else entirely, the all too familiar sound of nothing. Some would call it bliss, to not have the hum of life surrounding them like smoke touching the water's edge but Natalie knew she was terrified of it.

Natalie had been up all night, trying her hardest to find any and all information on her new squadmate - Crypto. Unfortunately, most of his files were redacted, wiped clean or fictional at best. She heaved a tired sigh as she pushed the chair out from the table. Surely it shouldn't be so hard to get the information she needed?

It would have been better to be well equipped rather than not when it came to someone sharing the apartment with her and robotic friend. Pathfinder, an oddly sentient robot able to express 'feelings' through a small screen on his chest. She didn't mind Pathfinder, he was often unhelpful when it came to her new inventions though and she tried her best to steer him away from them.

There was little time before Natalie would meet her new squadmate, looking up at the clock she noted down that it was 8:55 am. Barely any sleep called for a quick mug of coffee, she didn't like the taste of it but it'd help her in looking at least a little alive. Pulling herself out of the chair she made her way over to the kettle; it wasn't long before she had a steaming mug of coffee in her hands.

"Hello, Friend, did you sleep well?" The all too familiar voice of her companion, Pathfinder, made Natalie jump at least a couple of feet high. The coffee sloshed around the mug and even onto the floor as she tried her hardest to slow her erratic heartbeat.

"What have I told you about creeping up on me Path, you almost zcared the life out of me." Clicking her tongue in slight annoyance she turned to look at the tall robot, "I haven't zlept at all. Too nervouz for our new member." Natalie brushed a loose lock of hair out of her eyes as she eyed the mess on the floor. She'd have to clean it up before 'Crypto' arrived, 'what a nuisance' she thought to herself.

As she went for something to clean it up, a low rapping emitted from the door announcing his arrival. The spilled coffee was forgotten as she hastily made her way over to the door. Natalie wiped her clammy left hand onto her pajama shorts before yanking the door open.

There he was, standing there with no emotion shown upon his face. Was Octavio right? Was he really just a lifeless husk of a man? Time would tell, without hesitation, she stuck out her hand in order to shake his.

"Hello, my Name iz Wattzon, but you can call me Natalie." She tried her best to put on a welcoming smile, albeit a barely functioning one at that. When 'Crypto' took no notion of taking her hand, Natalie pulled it away with a frown. "Did I offend you? Pleaze, come in." Gesturing for him to come in she stepped away from the door.

The brunette finally made his way into the room and leaned against the wall, "I like to be left alone, what's that hunk of junk over there." Peering over to where the mysterious man pointed she laughed lightly.

"Zhat would be Pathfinder, alzo part of our squad." Stepping closer to her odd friend Path and forgetting that she had spilled coffee earlier, Natalie was sent flying across the floor and crashing down onto the floor with a loud thump."Oof, ouch Zhat hurt." The mug that was in her hands earlier had splashed everywhere down her top, legs and even more on the floor.

"Are you alright?" A squeaky metallic hand appeared into her line of sight, grabbing it she allowed it to pull her up and onto flat feet. A light dusting of red-coated her cheeks at how embarrassing her accident had been - and in front of 'Crypto' no less! "Have you broken anything? Natalie?"

"It'z nothing friend, don't worry about it." Unable to look up at either of her squadmates, she breathed out a hesitant sigh. "Well, zhat didn't go az planned."

Natalie heard the faintest of laughs coming from the brunette against the wall, she frowned and wondered why he thought it was funny in the first place. "No, but at least it was funny." He snickered once again before speaking once more, "The games are in a couple of days, we need to come up with a plan of attack. Better clean up, then meet me downstairs in the commons." Without saying another word he left.

'Maybe he isn't so emotionless after all,' Natalie grimaced as she took herself towards the bathroom to clean up, surely she could get more out of him later when they all met up.


Natalie and Pathfinder made their way down to the commons an hour later, it had been more or less her idea as she wanted to forget about the embarrassing incident earlier. The way he laughed was puzzling, she hadn't thought it was that funny but who knows what was going through the brunette's head at the time. 

"I wonder what our new friend wants to talk to us about," Path spoke in his usual upbeat tone, probably something that his creator had most likely implemented into his coding. "Maybe it's about all of our friends in the ring with us in a couple of days?"

Natalie shrugged at his words. "I do not know, he did say something about a plan of attack? Maybe he has an idea of what we should do in the arena." Upon entering the commons, the young woman searched for the young man that had appeared at their doorstep earlier. It took a few minutes but she spotted him in a corner, he looked as if he was furiously typing at his laptop. 

As for the commons, it seemed like it was packed with more people than it was used to - what was going on? Natalie couldn't think of anything special at all or maybe she had just forgotten all about it due to her lack of sleep. Not knowing she strolled past one of her other friends Octavio and gave him a small smile and wave, "Hello Octane."

Without waiting for his response she moved off towards where Crypto was sitting, the closer she got to him the more she could see him frown. Was he upset with something? Surely not - Right? Without thinking too much of it she poked his cheek, it was smoother than she would have thought. 

As soon as she poked him, Nat came to regret it.  His dark brown eyes bore into hers as he scrutinized her harshly. "And what do you think you're doing." 

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