Awkward Encounter

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After eating dinner and learning her new squad mates name last night, the young French woman had gone to bed. Now Natalie stretched her arms out in front of herself, a crisp breeze pushed against her thin body as she continued to go through her morning stretches just outside her apartment complex.

This was what she needed, some fresh air and the soft hum of civilisation getting ready to start it's day. With one last stretch, Natalie started walking and not long after she was at a comfortable jog. Being one of the many contenders to be an apex legend meant that she had to keep her body performing at it's peak.

Natalie passes high rise buildings, small corner shops and a few beaten down newspaper stands before feeling the need to prove herself even more. Her breathing became laboured as she tried to fasten her pace, she had to do this, she needed to. To make her Papa proud.

Except. It didn't work well in her favour, thirty seconds in, the blonde caught her left sneaker on a bit of upraised concrete and came tumbling down to meet her maker.

Natalie held her hands outstretched to brace her fall to no avail, landing on her left flank she gasped in pain. How was it that she always found a way to bang herself up? Tears sprung to her eyes as she cradled her left knee, the leggings she wore now hosted a variety of holes. Natalie sniffled and tried to pick the small pieces of gravel out of her new wound.

The sound of metal rang out on the concrete, with each clang it got closer and closer until it stopped right beside her.

"Natalie?" A familiar voice called out to her, cleaning her neck upwards she flushed at the sight of Octavio. She didn't know he came out for early morning runs, though she really ought to have expected it - he was an adrenaline seeking junkie.

"Ah, hello Octavio. Zorry for being in your way. I zeemed to have tripped over almozt thin air." Natalie emitted a soft laugh and held out her hand, "Mind giving me a hand?"

It wasn't long before she was back on her feet, although, her knee was now giving her a little bit of trouble. It stung each time she stretched it out fully, suggesting that it was more than a mere scrape. She would have to see Ajay at some point.

"I'm glad youre not too banged up Amiga, it'd be a shame if you weren't able to compete." Hearing him chuckle, Natalie punched his shoulder lightly. There was no way in hell she would miss being out in that arena, she needed to prove herself to everyone. Especially Tae-Joon.

Thinking about the mysterious male she cleared her throat, "Zay, what do you know about Crypto." Nat didn't want to mention him by first name as she didn't know if everyone else was told.

"I don't really know much, Amiga, the only thing I know for sure is that he always had that weird drone with him." Octane shook his head as Natalie sighed, was she ever going to find anything out about Tae? "Anyway, I've got to go, Elliot and Renee are waiting for me." With that the steel legged man began to jog away, leaving Natalie even more confused about Tae-Joon than she already was.


Sore and exhausted, Natalie slid her keys into her apartment door. She thought she'd never get home with her barely functioning knee. Dropping her keys off onto the small side table at the door, Nat dragged herself towards the bathroom with a heavy sigh. At least it looked like no one was home, she'd be able to clean up in peace.

The door to the bathroom opened before she could even place her hand on the door handle, yet again she was tumbling to the ground as she collided with something- no, someone. Nat cast her eyes upwards to find a barely clothed Tae in front of her. Lucky for her, his almost skin tight pants were the only thing keeping her from seeing him completely naked.

Natalie eyes travelled all over the Korean mans body, her face flushed a bright red as she noted how well his pants clung to his hips and how well they defined his very prominent V-line.

Silence clung to the air as she tried to find a way to apologize for almost barging in on him. And yet the only thing that rang out in her mind was how much she wanted to touch him. She wanted to trace her fingers down and around every line and curve he had to offer. The young blonde wanted to know what it'd feel like pressed up against him, especially with no clothes on.

Gulping at the way she was feeling, Natalie shot her eyes down. How could she even think about those things? He was rude and arrogant. Someone who definitely needed to be brought down a few pegs.

Everything was so conflicting, on one hand, she wanted to touch him and on the other she wanted to slap the daylights out of him.

"You look constipated." Natalie's eyes widened at the words, her head snapped upwards to stare at the smirk clearly displayed on his lips. Damn she wanted to wipe it off of his face, although at the same time she wanted to melt into them with her own.

Without much hesitation from the other, Natalie was back up on her feet. A pained grimace came to her features as she leaned her weight onto her other leg.

"I am not conztipated, I don't have zhat izzue at all." A hand laid itself on her shoulder as she uttered out her response.

"Well, at least let me take care of that." Looking down at where he was pointing with his other hand, Natalie sighed and reluctantly allowed him to help her to his room. It wasn't too long before she was sitting on the bed, her damaged leg draped over the others legs.

This close Natalie could smell the intoxicating aroma of Tae-Joons aftershave, to say she hated it would be a complete lie. It was as if it was pulling her in, the more she inhaled the closer she inched herself towards him.

Before she knew it, her fingers had started to outline his well defined collar bones. With each passing second she traced all the way over to his back, Nat could feel everything. Every indent, every muscle and it made her feel alive. More alive than static currents did.

"I didn't zhink you'd be zo...handzome  Tae." It wasn't long before she was pushed away, Natalie fell against the bed and onto her back. Tae-Joon hovering above her, an animalistic desire glinting in his eyes as he bent down to whisper in her ear.

"I wouldn't be touching me like that Miss Paquette." Not a second later the warmth that had embraced her was gone. Pulling herself up onto her elbows, Natalie stared after him as he left the room. The front door slamming mere moments later.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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