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"SAY GOODBYE!!" One by one the reinforcements were taken out by the two while you were still out of commission taking rapid breaths, "Bunch of weaklings." Bakugo puffed out, panting after the battle.

"Let's find the rest of the class." Kirishima suggested. Using the wall behind you, you turned your head and pressed the button to make your lenses come down, allowing you to open your eyes. Bodies were all around the room, there was hardly any room to walk.

"I'm going after that warpy bastard." Bakugo stated, looking at Kirishima dead serious.

Shifting in position, regretting the decision almost immediately you added, "I can help with that-"

"Y/n, you need to rest." Coming and kneeling down to you Kirishima checked on you.  

Walking closer before crouching down eye to eye, "Shitty Hair's right, you're in no fighting condition." The stunning red of his eyes full of seriousness.

Scrunching your face together, you replied, "I don't need to fight him. I just need to see him." Pain shot to your lower arm, causing your face to scrunch again. Looking down at it, you noticed how many types of objects from the debris was poking into your skin.

Kirishima had a look of sympathy while Bakugo's eyes was flicking around the room before landing on the small cape Kirishima was wearing around his belt. Without warning Bakugo ripped it off, shocking Kirishima in the process. "What the heck dude?"

Not replying Bakugo ripped it in two, creating two slings for your arms. "That should hold until we get out of here." 

Tying it at the back of your neck you let out a small laugh, "Bakugo, the medic."

"Shut up."

Kirishima stood up, Bakugo following behind. "I don't think I've seen you this calm and rational Bakugo!" 

"I'M ALWAYS CALM AND RATIONAL!!" Rolling your eyes at their behaviour, it slightly distracted you from the pain surging in your arms. 

"Stop fighting, we should get going." You added, Kirishima soon coming to you helping you up by supporting your back.

"Can you walk?" 

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Good. We don't have space for weaklings." Bakugo stated, just like that you all started your mission to find the guy with the warp quirk. Going as fast as you all could, you left the collapse zone. You've finally restored enough energy for your snakes to appear again and so they did, while you all were running you saw a giant tower of smoke rise up near the ship wreck zone causing you all to pick up the pace. 

Upon arrival the sight of All Might sent relief over you, but that soon faded as the Number 1 hero was split between warp gates and having a giant humanoid bird have its claws digging into him. "Y/n, use your stone quirk on the bird!" Kirishima called, Bakugo already sprinting even faster than before to get to the warp guy. 

"I can't!" 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T?!" Kirishima yelled.

"Bakugo broke the only thing that allows me to do that!" 

"So your quirk is gone?"

"No, If I turn the bad guy to stone; All Might is going to face the same fate and be stuck with it!"

"Alright! Just stay back!" He called running into the battle, jumping high in the air and landing by the hand man. 

You hated the idea of not being able to help, but you knew it was for the best unless you wanted to be known as the person who killed the Symbol Of Peace. But that's when it happened. A crampy feeling in your head. All your muscles tensing and releasing getting faster and faster. Senses becoming stronger and stronger. Until you were physically vibrating.

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