~ Twenty Six ~

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Part of this chapter will be in Drake's POV for a little flair. 😉

After spending most of the day at the Dark Knights MC I was finally pulling into the Inferno's parking lot.  I have to admit I'd never liked bikers but I have to say this lot took family very seriously. A faint twinge in my chest had my mind snapping away from that particular train of thought.

Stepping out of the Convertible I stroll in and head for the elevator. It's been an intense couple of days so I needed to get some rest and try to unwind a little before tomorrow. Inside the penthouse I slip off my jacket and leave it on the back of the couch before grabbing a glass of scotch. Taking a sip I savored the slight burn as it slid down my throat and warmed my insides and had me somewhat normal.

This nasty business with Miss Cortez  had me feeling off. She was a fling, nothing more to it. But I wasn't so heartless as to ignore what was happening to the poor girl. She'd been kidnapped on my property so I felt a sense of responsibility to help find those responsible for hurting her. I had to admit she was unique in her own way. Most of the women I've met in my lifetime had been all the same. Spoiled and rich heiresses with Daddy issues. But she'd been different that I didn't quite understand. She was tough as nails yet had her own vulnerabilities. She hid them well but they lay there just beneath the surface.

The night she came to Inferno with Angel she explained a little about her over protective and over bearing family. She'd been so desperate to get out from under the weight of their thumbs and was willing to do almost anything to get away from them for a while. I'd been more than happy to oblige her wish in keeping her mind off them in the only way I knew how. If it was one thing I could understand was overbearing family members and their expectations. I'd escaped a similar but different situation myself fifteen years prior and never looked back. I built a life for myself by myself. I didn't take hand outs from anyone and made put my way through business school and eventually opened The Inferno.

I had a good life here and I wouldn't change one thing about it for anything or anyone. I took another sip of scotch whilst staring at the floor to ceiling glass windows that overlooked downtown San Antonio. It was absolutely gorgeous view if the historical district. There was so much history here. One could still here the echos of the past if they knew how to listen for it. But for the first time in perhaps a long time my restless mind wasn't settled by the sights below. Instead my mind conjured up the events of the day. The faces of the two MC's bearing from masks of determination and fury. They were a rough lot but it was clear to even a blind man that they treasured family most of all. They were rough and prickly but they were made of a certain substinence that most of the world didn't have. One face above all stood out among them that left the greatest impression on me.

Chase Morgan.

He had impressed me today, something not easily done. I knew he didn't like me. It made it all the more fun to screw with him. It was quite possibly the most fun I've had in a long time. But what I saw in him today had me holding back my usual witticism at his expense. He hadn't spoken at all unless someone directly addressed him. But I suspected that brain of his was plotting ways to make the bastards that'd taken Miss Cortez suffer. Behind that calm and cool demeanor I saw something behind his eyes that made the hairs on my neck stand on end. Complete and utter rage. I knew that look all too well having seen that look on my father's face. Difference was that he remained completely calm.

I just didn't understand why. If I were in his shoes I would've rained down hell on Earth. If it wasn't for the dark burning rage in his eyes I would think him indifferent.  It gave a while new meaning to the word inferno. Before leaving I pulled Bullet to the side to have a private word with him. "How are you so calm? If it were me I'd burn the city to the ground looking for her." At first I didn't think he'd respond but the corner of his mouth lifted into a small smile. "What good would that do? It won't get Adria back any faster. All it would bring down heat from the cops." Bullet's expression never changed. It remained a calm mask that had been welded in place. Except for the burning fire behind his eyes. They alone told the truth of what was really on his mind.

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