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The breeze rustled the leaves on the trees, the sound of silence as I left the hospital, three more days to come up with a plan. I decided to call it a day at that moment. I went back home and took a nap.

When I woke up, it was already the next day. That was how nappy my body was.

I opened the drawer and saw my university uniform. I wore it because I wanted to go to the Urban Ville University, my alma mater at college. Dad left a note downstairs: 'I wont be home yet son, still have a lot of task to do.'
I opened our fridge and picked up some Mac n' cheese. I heated it up and ate all of it. Then I decided to go to the school as it was already 8 in the morning. I packed up my bag and went outside. Everything was all set then I saw my bike in the garage, a bike that was given to me by mom as a gift in high school. It still looked brand-new, the breaks as well, all working in my favor. I rode off with my bike and went to U.V.U. It was almost 30 minutes until I got there. Never really remembered a lot of my college days. I usually spent most of my time either in the library or canteen. Our school was so gigantic that there are a lot of rooms I haven't entered yet. For each course, there was a specialty room for them to improve their skills. For my course well, I love writing so I guess you have a clue now. For Zyra, she wanted to pursue the career of teaching so we never crossed paths, such a big university that we rarely saw one another back in those days. Our university was a 5-storey building.

I was about to enter when a guard asked me, "Sir, may I help you?"
"Don't you remember, we have no classes today. We are currently celebrating our university's 100th year."
"Really? Oh...oh right, I'm sorry."
"You should instead head to the plaza, not here."
"Thanks sir for reminding me. Good day."

I forgot that we celebrated the centennial year of our university. The plaza was crowded definitely so I decided to just go back home and probably wait for it to end. I got access to updates in my Smartphone and so I walked off the school.
As I was riding my bike, I stopped by a convenience store near the school. I bought some drinks and as I went out of the store, someone pulled my bike away. There were three of them. I tried to stop them but they shoved me. They brought me to the alleyway where no one noticed us and they proceeded to knock me repeatedly. When they stopped for a second, I saw it was David, all grown up, more muscular but still the same coward bully I always knew. The other two guys, I recognized them as his college buddies Chad and Rob.

"Hello, Aron. How's life now?" he said with a grin on his face.

They beat me up again as I noticed the ring slipped through my fingers. David saw it. He grabbed it slowly. He looked at me smiling while holding the ring.

"What do we have here? Aron you didn't say you were a thief. Where did you get this?"

Beaten badly, I didn't respond to him.

"Alright, you're not going to say anything about this. So I'm just going to take this to you mu friend."

Then Chad and Rob stopped hitting me. They all went to David's car.

"Au revoir, Aron."

They drove away with my ring. I wasn't able to move my body. Everything turned black for me and I passed out.

How will I get back to the present?

The next day, I woke up, back in my room with band-aids on my face. I thought maybe dad brought me back to my room. I thought it was just a bad dream. I was hopeless.
Words can't explain how angry I was on everyone. Then at my table, I saw a piece of paper. I decided to pick my pen and write a letter. A letter for her, saying everything I wanted to.
to Zyra:
I just wanted to tell you that ever since I saw you one night when i was 11, you changed me. I was too afraid to talk to you. Until it became too late. At first, I wanted to be with you. I wanted you to like me. But now I realized that was never even the point of all of this. Because the real point is I'm going to be here with you once you need me. That I should let you have the opportunity to enjoy your life to the fullest.
This letter doesnt mean that you will never see me again. But I do hope once we meet again, you finally have the world in your hands. The moon shines and the flowers bloom around you. No more rain, no more pain. You turned your dreams to reality.
Your friend,

I remembered you asked me one time when we walked home together about what makes me happy. Just think of this as the answer.

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