10 Years

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"Ah! Whats wrong with that?" Rengoku even more suprised than us
"Yuna-chan why you look so suprised" Kanae
"Because i heard that Kyojurou dating our senpai"
"HEH!?!" Rengoku burst into laugh
"Ah it must be Uzui who spread that rumor" Rengoku
"So you are single all this times"
"Yap, Im quite suprised when you said im popular among girls. I though every girl like Uzui. He looks flamboyant" Rengoku continue
"Ah it makes me miss my highschool hearing you Rengoku-kun"Kanae
" Whats happen?"my mom is back from operation room
"Sensei, Yuna brings stray kitten and his 'friend' ehm 'cough' bring an owl" Kanae
"Excuse me my name is Rengoku Kyojurou please treat him i will pay for him" Rengoku
"Owh Yuna's friend?Yuna never bring any boy to come here. Its okay Rengoku-kun you dont have to spare your money for this wild owl." My mom said, since years my mom always treat wild animal without being paid.
"No no Natsuki-sensei this owl is my responsible. I will bring him home once his wings being fixed" Rengoku
"Hmm okay than just pay for his medicine then" My mom
"Thank you so much Sensei" Rengoku bowing to my mom and my mom winks at me.
"thanks mom, Kanae-san too. Then i will go home..see you at home mom"
As we walked out from my mom clinic Rengoku stop and
"Wanna me walk you home Yuna?" Rengoku
"Thank you but im okay my home is not far from here"
"I know but still i wanna walk you home" Rengoku
"Well if you insist okay then"
Its so awkward while we walk side by side. I dont know what should i speak to break the ice.
Should i start speak?my heart beating so fast just walk beside him. Ahh what should i do its so awkward
"Hmm Yuna?"Rengoku
" Yes yes yes??!" While still thinking bout break the ice he calls me
"Do you remember something that happen around 10years ago?" Rengoku
"10years?i dont think i have memory bout it"
He looks hesitate but continue to speak
"You know when i was 6yo i dont look like this. My hair is red, im short and fat and im such a crybaby"Rengoku
" Red hair???"
"You see my tip hair is still red. I got it from my father" Rengoku
"Then are the boy who cry at the riverbank nearby here??"
I looks at him i saw he smile little bit
"Hmm i dont know. See we are already ib front your house. So see you tomorow Yuna"Rengoku smile as he walks away from me
"Wait Kyou!"
Thats impossible no way hes that boy. I've searching him since that day and i give up. I dont even have the to ask his name that day. That boy has red hair, chubby shorter than me. In my 10years i dont even saw a boy who looks like him and Kyojurou knew bout it?noway he looks way to different from him or maybe he knows that boy i should ask him tomorrow.
The next day...
"Morning Mitsuri"
"Yuna-chan you must be suprised! Iguro gave me a gift. He gave a this socks i knew he's kind right i dont care what people said bout him" Mitsuri
"Sure you should never judge people from their looks."
"Morning Yuna" Rengoku waves at me, his smile is different today his smile is brighter than the sun today
"Heh you looks so happy today Kyoujurou" Uzui
"Did sonething happen?" Sanemi
"No nothing special" Rengoku
I need to talk to him bout yesterday.
"Kyojurou,do you.."
"Yuna, do you have time after school?i want to check my owl" He cuts my question
"Su sure"
"Then i will wait you at front gate after school"
"Heh! Yuna?i didnt know Rengoku and you being closefriend. He calls your first name you call him by first name. Wait are you dating him?" Mitsuri
"No..i mean not yet no i dont know Mitsuri"
"What do you mean?" Mitsuri
"He found an injury owl and he brings him to my mom clinic, thats it"
"Owh i see but isnt it good Yuna?you re one step closer to him" Mitsuri
"I dont know"
"Come on ganbatte Yuna-chan" Mitsuri
As we promised he waits me at front gate. We walk together and i can sense so many eyes watching me.
"Is something wrong Yuna?" Rengoku
"No nothing"
"Are you worry bout you boyfriend being jealous to me" Rengoku
"Heh!?i dont have boyfriend Kyoujurou, where do you get idea?"
"But Uzui said Akaza asks you out last week"Rengoku
"Hahah no no Kyojurou you got wrong idea. Its true he asks me to be his gf but i refuse it. I got suprised when he told he likes me. You know im just looks too plain."
"You're wrong Yuna" Rengoku
"Heh? Looks my skirt is longer than any girl my uniform is little bit bigger my hairstyle is just normal ponytail."
"Thats what makes you different" Rengoku
He paused for few second and continue to speak
" You never wear short skirt you always cover your skin. You never let your hair loose, always same ponytail. You're always pay attention to our teacher class thats why you always rank 1 in our class"Rengoku
"Hmn but usually handsome guy like pretty girl right like Daki-senpai for example"
"No for me she just ordinary girl. But do know Yuna? Smart is new type of sexy."
My face suddenly got red and my heart beating do fast why he telling me something like that
"Sorry i didnt mean it in bad way." Rengoku
"But i love you Yuna. I love you since the first time we meet, 10years ago in that river bank"
I stopped my feet
No way he loves me thats impossible no way hes that boy hes too different.
"Its a lie right?"
"No its true." Rengoku
"I know you dont believe me. But my feeling toward you always same. Look, i always give you a hint right?" Rengoku
"I always say morning to you, i always ask you to call me by first name, i even carry you to nurse room or give you my umbrella. I've never do that to any one. Well except for Sanemi and Uzui" Rengoku smiles at me there's no lie in his face
"Hmm it must awkward wanna grab something?see there Kamado's cafe, lets go there"
Im still gathering my thought about it. If Rengoku is that boy then why he show uo now?
We sitting near window, we can see clearly the road is busy.
"Kyojurou where you've been?"
"First let me tell you,
10 years ago Rengoku's pov
That day, its almost sunset. Tonight there will befireworks show in this town. I go with my parent but because to much people i bump to someone and got separated from my parents. the road is slippy,i fell to this river. It has so much rock in it i hurt my leg and knee. My leg got swollen and my knee is bleeding i get panic since i got separated from my parents. I dont what to do all i can do is crying and calling for my mom
"Are you okay?let me look your knee?"
Who is she?she looks same age as me, i never know a girl like her.
"Your leg swollen it must be got sprained and your knee got cut from the rock nearby."
She opens her bag and spray my leg and knee with something
"Im clumsy and often got hurt by myself so my mom always pack this antiseptic for me. My mom is a vet but she can helps people too"
"See your knee and leg is okay. You shouldnt cry a lot. You're man right. Dont panic and call your parents or ask people nearby you"
"Yuna!?Where are you?"
"Im here mom!?"
"Wait here i will go to my mom she will help you find your parent"
She has silver hair blue eyes short hair, cute like little kitten. She left me, i didnt fell any pain when she talks to me.
I want to have a wife like her.
"Mom! Im here!"
Im glad my mom found me, my dad carrying me and we went to nearby clinic. I cant forget her, Yuna thats maybe her name. I should thanks to her.
"Whats wrong Kyou?" My mom ask me
"Mom, when someone talks to you and you feel like butterfly flying around you you cant help but look at her eyes. Whats that mom?"
"Kyou! You still 6yo! You shouldnt fall in love" My father scold me
"Its okay Kyou. Mom feel that way when mom falling for your father, i cant explain a lot but when you grow up you know what it is"
The next day i when to that riverbank again hoping to see her but noone there.
"Come on Kyou."
My dad call me, today my family got move out as my father job move to Kyoto. I hope i can say thank you
Present Day
"I move to Kyoto the next day thats why we never each other again. Last year we move in this town again im so happy. Im searching for you and found you at that riverbank holding a crow!" Rengoku
"Sorry but im following you to your mom clinic and house" Rengoku
"That day i told my mom to come with me to see you and noone there. I thought you got kidnapped or someone hurt you. That year a lot of kid missing. Im afraid something happen to you since you are alone."
"Thank God you are safe and sound. I always thinking if something bad happen to you i blame myself"
My tears coming down without i realize it
"Sorry Yuna i didnt mean to make you cry" Rengoku
"You looks so different i never thought of it"
"Since im first child my mom spoiled me so much and i become such crybaby. But when my little brother Senjurou born to this world and i met you, i thought i cant be like this. My little brother will look up to me i need to strong. I want my brother tell the world that his brother is the best" Rengoku
"So i ask my father to teach me martial arts and using katana. I studied harder than before i work out and without realize it here i am. I look like this." Rengoku
"Hahaha no wonder a lot of people like you Kyou"
"Is that so? I never thought of it" Rengoku
"Is there any girl confessing to you?"
"Well since first year maybe 10 girl asks me out" Rengoku
I got shocked and spilled my drink.
"Sorry sorry"
"Whats wrong?" Rengoku
He never realize how wonderfull he is that make him even more cool.
"10 girls is a lot you know that"
"I never accept it anyway. Unlike Uzui he said he has 3 gf how can he live like that" Rengoku
"Ehm ehm so do you love me Yuna? I'll do my best ofc" Rengoku
"So why you telling me this now?"
"Because Akaza said he loves you! I thought you must accept him. He's very popular ... I dont like it" Rengoku
"I never thought anyone would love me"
"But i do. Did you accept him?"Rengoku
" I'll do my best if you say yes"Rengoku
" Of course i reject him because i love you. You are already perfect in my eyes Kyou you dont need to chance who you are"
"Thank you"
He hold my hand . His golden eyes reflect the sunset he already perfect for me. We walk side by side to my mom clinic. As Kyojurou promised he took the owl to his name.
"Did you have a name for him?" I ask him
"Bokuto, but i think when he can fly again i will let him free." Rengoku

To be continue...

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